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Are Title Loans Offered in Arizona?


Arizonans in need of quick cash may be happy to learn that title loans are offered in the state. Moreover, the process is fast, easy, and usually doesn’t require a lot of paperwork. In fact, an Arizona title loan can often be applied for online approved and funded in 24 hours or less.

What is a Title Loan?

A title loan is a form of borrowing that gives people the ability to use the equity in their automobiles to get cash. This equity serves as collateral to secure the loan. Arizona offers two types of loans in this regard: title loans for people who own their cars outright and registration loans for people who are making car payments.

Both types of loans are based upon the amount of equity the borrower has in the car. In the case of a title loan, the considerations are the market value and condition of the car. Registration loans look at how much the car is worth; how much is still owed on it and the condition of the car. The difference between the value of the car and the amount owed on it determines the amount of equity against which can be borrowed.

You can get an idea of the value of the value of your car and how much you can borrow with an Arizona title loan calculator.

How to Apply for a Title Loan in Arizona

The application process for title loans and registration loans in Arizona are the same. You’ll need to make sure you have a copy of the vehicle’s title or its registration card. In situations in which the car is registered to more than one person, or owned by more than one person, each party must complete the application process.

Additional required documentation includes proof of income, a form of ID issued by the state or the federal government (such as a driver’s license, ID card, military ID, or passport) and proof of the current address — for each applicant

You’ll need to drive the car to the loan office if you’re applying in person so an agent can verify its condition. Photograph the exterior of the car from all four angles and provide pictures of the interior too if you’re applying online or by phone.

With those materials in hand, completing the application process is simple. You’ll either fill out the application online, or at the loan office. In most cases, you’ll have the cash within 24 hours or less when the loan is approved.

What if You Have Bad Credit?

Generally, bad credit is less of an issue with a title loan or a registration loan than it is with a personal loan from a bank or a credit union. Because the equity in the car serves as collateral for the loan, title lenders tend to be a bit more forgiving in that regard. Moreover, applying for a title loan may not hurt your credit score the way applying for a conventional loan does.

Repaying a Title Loan

The amount of time required to repay a title loan varies depending upon the amount borrowed, your income, and how soon you want to repay the loan. Generally, regardless of how long a term you choose, paying it off early can be done without incurring penalties or fees.

Arizona title loans can be a handy way to get some quick cash. The application process is easy. Your credit history usually doesn’t stop you from getting a loan and the repayment process can be tailored to your personal needs.