Home Articles 07 Best Teas for Runners – Stay Hydrated No Matter How Many...

07 Best Teas for Runners – Stay Hydrated No Matter How Many Miles You Have Committed To Run


Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Teas can help you with recharging your batteries. Drinking tea is like draining out your insides. It cleanses and purifies the body and offers subtle hydration within minutes.

Hydration for runners is like the driving force behind their endurance and strength. 

Adequate nutrients and minerals keep them going and make their abandoned souls happy. 

Hydration in the form of water-based teas is the icing on the cake.

Also, the aroma is enchanting to the soul.  The teas provide other essential elements apart from keeping hydrated. 

That is a plus. It is more of a package with various traits locked inside.

Here you go with the list that’s, of course, going to introduce you to the world of energy and revival. 

07 Best Teas for Runners To Opt Your Favourite From

  1.  KRATOM:

Tea is, though, native to Southeast Asia, usually found in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia; it’s used worldwide. Kratom is generally consumed in the form of tea by crushing the leaves into powder form.

It is an opioid agonist, i.e., it has properties similar to opioids. Thus, kratom has analgesic and euphoric properties. Due to these outstanding properties, it is best for athletes and runners specifically. 

Adequate hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, osmoregulation plays a pivotal role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body. 

As far as runners are concerned, their water intake should be adequate to overcome the losses of profuse sweating due to their rigorous lifestyle. Runners have a very active lifestyle with excellent metabolism.

Kratom strains, especially Maeng Da contain two important active substances, mitragynine, and 7-Hydroxy mitragynine. They are opioid receptors and act directly on the brain. 

Kratom used in an inadequate amount can be very effective for the runners. It belongs to the coffee family and has particular characteristics. It relieves their pain instantly. It can facilitate them by consoling and hydrating their body.

Due to several psychological uses, it is very potent for the runners to make them feel refreshed and energized. It gives them the feel and sensation of wellbeing. Apart from this, it makes them feel pleasurable.


Lavender, native to the lands of the Mediterranean, is grown in Europe, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries. This plant is available in different heights and sizes. Four species of lavender are available. 

Lavender comprises several particular ingredients, including linalyl acetate, linalool, Lavandula acetate, and camphor. Routinely it is taken orally in the form of tea.

Lavender tea is excellent for runners. It has several uses that complement the runners’ overall health and performance.

Also, it is excellent for treating anxiety and depression.  It helps the runners boost their mood and treats their mental and physical depression.

Lavender Tea also has some fantastic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. It increases GI motility and provides a comfortable sensation. As mentioned earlier, runners have excellent metabolism; lavender further enhances the metabolism.

Some studies suggest that Lavender tea has antibacterial and antifungal properties. As runners spend the majority of their time practicing and exercising, they sweat profusely.

The use of Lavender tea can prevent the runners from acquiring infections such as athlete’s foot which are more prevalent in humid conditions.

Lavender tea can prevent insomnia and enhances the quality and quantity of sleep. Enjoying a cup of Lavender tea before going to bed is the key to a fantastic sleep. So runners, here’s the magic ingredient for you after your tiring restless day.

It is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory agent. Lavender tea helps make the skin glow which is very important for runners, who spend their entire day in the burning sun.


Traditional Japanese Matcha is available in the form of powdered green tea. It includes several biologically active ingredients, including theanine, caffeine, chlorophyll, and various catechins.

Matcha tea is tea for royals and aristocrats. It is the most expensive green tea, but it is worth its price. It is an excellent tea for runners attributing to their better performance and endurance.

It is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. It is an excellent source of hydration for runners and provides them with essential chemicals that help them pursue their dreams and ambitions.

It is available in various packaging, including tea bags and dry tea leaves.

Caffeine is the crucial ingredient of Matcha. Thus Matcha tea helps the runners boost their mood. Their brain activity is enhanced. They can work with more dedication. Matcha tea has anti-oxidant properties owing to caffeine.

Apart from this, Matcha tea is also an anti-inflammatory function that aids the performance of runners. 

In a nutshell, Matcha tea increases the cognitive functions and memory of runners. It reduces the stress of the runners. It gives them pleasant sensations and makes them healthy and fit.

4) KAVA:

Kava prepared from the root of Piper methysticum. Used extensively by pacific islanders.

Kava is an excellent remedy for runners. It has proven to be very soothing for the runners due to its anti-inflammatory effect because it contains phytochemicals.

Kavalactones have in the kava tend to reduce anxiety, which is crucial for the runners because they get exhausted due to hectic schedules. Kava tea also improves memory, aiding in runners’ sharp intelligence and emotional quotient.

Different vitamins are also present in the kava tea that helps in the physical wellbeing of the runners. They tend to increase the runner’s endurance and provide the runner with adequate strength and stamina to carry out daily hectic workout schedules.

It also prevents several neurological disorders from contributing to the overall health of the runner. 

Kava tea also has anti-cancer effects, which result in the destruction of harmful cells from the body aiding in good health.


Peppermint tea is widely used throughout the globe. Recent researches suggest that peppermint tea has some biologically active ingredients.

It contains menthol and menthone, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties which protect athletes from several infections.

It also has analgesic effects which is a plus for runners. Peppermint tea relieves the excruciating pain of horrendous workouts that runners do to keep them fit and healthy.

It also has some anti-histamine actions. Thus, provides a comfortable sensation to the runners and prevents itching.

It also enhances GI functions. Thus, it maintains excellent metabolism for the runners.


A type of green tea with amazing traits locked inside.

Gunpowder tea is an excellent remedy for athletes due to its exceptional properties.

It prevents the runner’s obesity and tends to lower the cholesterol level aiding in the fitness and endurance of the runner specifically and his health in general.

Also, It prevents constipation which reduces the uncomfortable sensation of the runner. It reduces the oxidative stress of the runners, preventing them from getting chronic diseases.

Gunpowder tea contains caffeine which helps them to boost their energy. It is an excellent alternative for coffee, which causes acidity.

It helps in the weight loss of the runner, making him meet the physical standards.

It also prevents diabetes in the runners, making them pursue their passion for the longest time possible, keeping them healthy and fit. It facilitates the runner’s overall health. Quality of life is improved by gunpowder tea.


Longjing tea is a variant of green tea, also called dragon well tea.

It has relatively high levels of caffeine that energize the runners. It increases runners’ endurance and strength.

Also, it contains several biologically active ingredients, which help in soothing the body of the runners.

It has an incredible effect on the weight of the runners. It reduces the cholesterol and lipid level of the runners facilitating the fantastic health of the runner. 

Lower lipid level provides the runners with the instant energy.

It also reduces the risk of heart diseases, thus contributing to the overall health of the runner. It increases the runners’ endurance and strength.

It also reduces stress and anxiety and boosts the mood of the runner after long hours of workouts.

It alleviates the mood of the runner and makes him feel refreshed and energized.


Thus, these teas provide the runners with all the necessary nutrients needed for active metabolism. Such an apt source of strength and endurance. 

They are the secret recipe mix that will make them last longer with exceptional core strength.

In a nutshell, these tea formulations are the secret recipe for mental and physical health. They provide the runner with the spirit and confidence they have been longing for years.

They are the complete package and thus will make runners pursue their passion and dreams more actively and enthusiastically.

These teas are suitable for every runner. They facilitate the healing process of the runners, making them happy and lively. 

Have it either you’re a teenager or have crossed your middles. Comment below, which one is your favourite tea for today?