A New Era of Smartphone Speakers Is Just Around the Corner

Modern smartphones are highly technological devices that make our life much easier. And if you look at modern smartphones from the perspective of a person who is not particularly interested in technology, then adding something new is quite difficult.

However, this is not the case. And the big smartphone companies and startups are proving it every day, offering new ideas to make the modern smartphone even more convenient. For example, Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software has relatively recently registered a patent for “Mobile Sound Cover for Mobile Device”.

What’s the Innovation?

The company’s engineers decided to reconsider their view of a rather familiar and ordinary thing, which seemingly does not require any modifications and works great. However, their patent refers to a speaker with a closing cover, which will significantly improve the sound quality both in the hands-free mode and during telephone conversations. Moreover, it can be a convenient feature when playing online casinos in New Zealand, listening to music, and other things for which people usually use speakers.

On the upper edge of the future smartphone is the speaker itself, with a mysterious cover that you can open. In order for this mechanism to work without failures, a special guide is used. This mechanism itself understands at what moment users are talking on the phone or using the speakerphone, and, depending on this, sets the position of the cover. However, if you need to adjust the settings instantly, you can also do it manually.

To get a better sound, it is necessary to achieve a low-frequency position of the speaker. However, this is not an easy task, due to the design features that have been working for years. The moment the lid is closed, the sound stream put directly into the screen allows for more correct sound propagation. It will also be a great solution for people who are actively involved in sports or work in dirty places. This closable cover is designed to improve the condition of your mobile device’s speaker after prolonged use.

Benefits of Such a Development

You’ve probably come across a problem when, after using a smartphone for 2-3 years, you begin to hear your interlocutor worse or the sound when playing music or watching a movie becomes noticeably quieter. This is primarily due to the fact that the earpiece speaker grids are clogged with dirt. And this is a difficult task to solve on your own. You have to contact specialized services.

This technology will help solve this problem as well. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the movable joint will not work as efficiently over time as it did after purchase. And this idea will fail. So far, there is no news about which smartphones we will be able to see this technology for the first time, but development is already underway. And soon we will be able to familiarize ourselves in more detail with what Xiaomi has prepared for us.


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