The 8 Best Winter Fruits to Help Keep You Healthy

The 8 Best Winter Fruits to Help Keep You Healthy

You might find yourself gravitating toward squash and other hearty vegetables when winter hits.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976298b81cd54-4cad-44eb-8a8a-e97716b68f1f But don’t forget about fruit. “We still in the winter have a tremendous variety of fruit available to us,” says Marie Ruggles, RD , a registered dietitian-nutritionist in Floral Park, New York, and author of Optimize Your Immune System: Create Health and Resilience With a Kitchen Pharmacy . Most notably, winter is prime time for citrus fruits in North America.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629212b3eee-5f8e-4788-8a2b-91ca1fbe9561 And it’s important to make room for them in your diet because the nutrients in these fruits support the immune system and overall health, Ruggles says, not to mention a healthy weight. Vitamin C can also be beneficial for fighting winter colds and illnesses — and citrus fruits are replete with it.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976291f63d62a-aacf-464d-9ba7-b0990f227a9d The most recent research suggests choosing whole foods with vitamin C, rather than vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplements.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629ad8995de-ec87-4d42-abe9-a5019fcd7424 Vitamin C helps the body produce white blood cells, which Ruggles describes as the “warrior cells” in the immune system.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762913c58706-b241-4545-8c62-447e0d1c3ef2 “Those cells attack foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria,” she says. Vitamin C–rich citrus fruits may be a highlight in the winter, but they’re not the only nutritious fruits the season has to offer in North America. Here, explore eight of the best fruits to eat during the winter.
Pears for Their Ample Fiber Content One pear provides 5.58 grams (g) of fiber, making it a good source of the nutrient.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762983219751-4d7d-45fa-97d1-be7bf4ef76b9 Ruggles says fiber is important for the immune system because it encourages good bacteria to flourish. “The more fiber you take in, you’re going to [indirectly] increase the population of immune cells,” she says. What’s more, fibrous foods, including pears, can independently help support a healthy weight.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762921f47ff7-1a1d-4030-9976-803b135ce768 Fiber also promotes satiety, which can prevent overeating.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762987df678f-ae73-4dcf-aa78-2a3969f2fe9b For a winter spin on pears, Ruggles suggests cooking up a warm, comforting recipe with spices like cinnamon. (Try the one from Running on Real Food .)
Pineapple for Its Disease-Fighting Properties Pineapple, like citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C, with 78.9 milligrams (mg) in 1 cup.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629eef7f375-44d0-4aff-bf7a-834bec423329 The tropical fruit has other health perks too, including disease-fighting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, as well as benefits for the nervous system and digestive system.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976298e6d5584-0a0b-4bba-9005-0e6b3e95bb32
Cranberries for Their Power to Protect the Heart The holiday dinner staple isn’t just festive — it’s nutritious too. Dried or fresh cranberries (without added sugar) may improve your total cholesterol-to-high-density-lipoprotein ratio, and they’re a good source of vitamin C, with 14 mg in 1 cup of whole, raw cranberries.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762947af41af-52fb-4dec-8580-185e8d5bc0f2e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629f5579a73-0047-476c-b6b2-5fd86ebdb6ad A sprinkle of cranberries is a great way to jazz up your salads, Ruggles says.
Persimmons for Their Immune-Bolstering Vitamin A This Asian fruit is a good source of vitamin A with 138 micrograms (mcg) in one fruit.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762902ac8a51-b980-421c-a0f8-f31645896f3f Vitamin A can enhance immune function and help protect the body against infectious diseases.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629894231fd-6345-41c4-9963-827ffe1c4fdf It does this by helping with mucus secretion, forming a barrier against pathogens.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976298e064c6d-d2a9-429f-b1d4-007ecd92fdcb
Oranges for Their High Doses of Vitamin C One orange contains nearly 82 mg of vitamin C, making it an excellent source of the vitamin. But steer clear of subbing in fruit juice for the real thing; Ruggles says eating the whole fruit is preferred, since juicing it strips out key nutrients like fiber. An orange is a good source of fiber with 3.7 g, so you won’t want to miss out on that.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762948c45ebc-e91a-4ca2-a72f-cac229fee6b7
Grapefruit for Its Possible Cancer-Fighting Abilities Grapefruit is another excellent source of vitamin C — half of a raw Florida grapefruit contains 43.7 mg.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976295197e2d2-075b-4654-914b-e36d42c4d08e Grapefruit also contains lycopene, which has antioxidant properties and may play a role in helping to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, most notably prostate cancer.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e597629125357f1-1d65-457d-a8ac-29e40683c7b1
Pomegranates for Their Bone-Strengthening Vitamin K One cup of this festive red fruit is an excellent source of fiber (7 g) and a good source of vitamin C (17.8 mg).e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976297448ad49-1508-4062-9603-57a47c3676ee Plus, pomegranate is rich in vitamin K with 28.7 mcg in one cup. Vitamin K contributes to blood clotting and promotes healthy bones in the body.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976292911d4e8-f089-47d4-8a70-03ff7dd1b54f It’s also prized for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which may promote good gut bacteria and skin health.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e59762923e31ad8-8a96-4bf8-a194-772229c419f8
Kiwi for a Surprising Source of Vitamin C One kiwi fruit contains 56 mg of vitamin C, which makes it an excellent source of the vitamin.e60dc2a1-f33c-4a05-9b50-8e3e8e5976299e8c9965-f12f-4ecf-9ee7-613e89f86cea Ruggles recommends enjoying a kiwi with breakfast. “It’s a great way to jump-start your vitamin C and start fueling your immunity right from the start of the day,” she says. Kiwi is also an excellent source of vitamin K, with 30.2 mcg in one fruit. Fun fact: You can enjoy this fruit with the skin on, contrary to popular belief. And you may want to in order to increase the health perks even more: The skin boosts its fiber content by a whopping 50 percent. The Takeaway Plenty of fruit, which is important for overall health, is available during the winter. Fruit contains properties that may help fight diseases, boost immunity, strengthen bones, and more. Some of the best fruits to eat during the winter include pineapples, persimmons, and grapefruits.

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