In your quest for financial success do not compromise your values’: Dr. Barry Lall’s business philosophy

Leadership has been and always will be a hotly discussed (and hotly debated) topic. From analyzing patterns in the animal kingdom to scrutinizing the sleeping patterns of historic leaders, hundreds of people on a daily basis seek to discover the ultimate key to good leadership.

The fact of the matter is there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Different organizations will have differing needs, and different people will have differing ways of meeting those needs. Asking every person to try and follow a single leadership style is akin to trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and will ultimately cause more harm than good.

While there may be no definitive answer to the question of how to be a good leader, there is one step that can be taken that will surely lead to better results: establishing values and leading with them. Values provide a reliable and guiding foundation that can be used to guide decision making while also creating a strong company culture and increasing transparency throughout the organization as a whole.

“When you are an entrepreneur, your business is essentially an extension of you, and it should always reflect your beliefs and values as a result,” said Dr. Barry Lall, president and chief executive officer of Pinnacle Hotels USA.

Lall has over three decades of leadership experience under his belt, having built his hotel management company from the ground up. Starting his business with a single loan and a 12-room motor lodge on the coast of California, today as leader of Pinnacle Hotels USA Lall oversees nine properties that between them house nearly 1,800 rooms and seven restaurants.

Prior to becoming a hotelier Lall had already found success as a family practice doctor, but upon emigrating to the United States from the United Kingdom found himself inspired by the land of opportunity and decided to pursue his entrepreneurial passions. It is perhaps this background that inspired his own value system which he calls a ‘triangle of caring.’ In Dr.Barry Lall’s value system, Pinnacle Hotels USA’s guests, associates and assets all form an equilateral triangle in terms of importance, with each being an important aspect of the business growing and thriving.

“Every single person in my company knows that I expect professionalism, quality, leadership, teamwork, integrity and appreciation, and in every decision I make for the company I also try to exemplify those values. If you compromise your value system for the sake of turning a larger profit, the triangle of caring will become unbalanced as a result and your business will inevitably suffer,” said Lall.

 There is data to back up Lall’s claim. Consumers are increasingly taking a business’ values into account when making patronizing decisions, with 63 percent of consumers saying they would like to purchase products and services from companies that have a purpose that resonates with their own values and belief systems. They are even willing to purposefully avoid companies that go against what they believe.

A strong value system has also shown to greatly improve long-term outlook and sustainability for businesses. One study found that brands with a higher sense of purpose saw a value increase of 175 percent over a 12-year period, which is over double the median growth rate of 86 percent – showing that integrating values into a company’s strategy has a measurable impact on both scalability and profit.

Outside of results, creating and exemplifying a value system can also improve the overall health of the organization’s culture, making it a place that employees feel proud to work at. When teams understand the values of an organization it can lead to improved communication, as a shared value system means that even when there are disagreements it is still mutually understood what the end goal is. This alignment of a purpose means that both employees and leaders are more free to communicate with each other, even on sensitive subjects. They will also be more likely to build stronger bonds with each other, engaging in more meaningful interactions thanks to a shared sense of purpose and value.

When leaders have a set of company values to ascribe to, it also makes the hiring process that much easier. Bringing people in who are already aligned with the work ethic and value system of the company will result in higher levels of performance overall, as there is less of a learning curve and the team members are already attuned to the purpose of the company.

 The value system and purpose will look different for each organization and its leader, but Lall’s ‘triangle of caring’ provides a unique perspective in its fully-formed status. “Just as a stool can’t function without one of its three legs, our business won’t thrive if all three of those factors aren’t being cared for,” said Lall.

 While in every business there is a reliance on associates, in the hospitality industry in particular they play a large role in the health of the hotel. Lall has noticed in particular that if a hotel is experiencing a large amount of turnover, guest satisfaction levels often stall alongside it, and for that reason it is important that each member of his team understand the set tone and culture. Caring about the associate for Lall also means making sure to listen to their own needs and concerns, staying vigilant and paying attention to their satisfaction as much as a guest’s. Whether in the hotels or in Pinnacle Hotels USA’s corporate office, Lall tries to project the values he espouses to create a level of comfort that enables his associates to speak up.

 It is an oft-repeated phrase that ‘the customer comes first” but for Lall the guest is an integral but equal aspect of a successful hotel. With a satisfied and fulfilled staff of associates the attention then turns to satisfying the guest, which isn’t as straightforward as it seems. In the hotel world there is a certain etiquette and element of service that must be understood, and congeniality for Lall goes a long way in creating a good environment for his guests and turning them into repeat customers. This means empowering associates to feel that they have a say in how to solve a problem–because they are ultimately doing so with the company’s underlying purpose in mind.

 Lall also seeks to empower his associates when it comes to taking care of the assets – the hotels themselves and the third part of the triangle of caring. Much of asset management also comes down to the decisions of those in the corporate office of Pinnacle Hotels USA, where decisions are made for investing in making sure the properties remain at very high levels and deliver from a guest standpoint the cutting edge, such as keeping up technological improvements and updating its physical appearance to prevent looking dated.

 “In my opinion, if you take care of the associates, if you take care of the guests, and if you take care of the assets, then the financial results just grow automatically, you don’t even have to work hard for it,” said Lall.

 Dr. Lall’s ‘triangle of caring’ value system purposefully neglects to mention money, as this is not a value system but a result of the hard work that a set of values can create. By emphasizing these values day in and day out, talking about them at every meeting and taking every opportunity to show how a decision is based on these three pillars, Lall communicates that these are the foundation and base of the company, and by keeping them in one’s mind the company will inevitably thrive.


07 Best Teas for Runners – Stay Hydrated No Matter How Many Miles You Have Committed To Run

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Teas can help you with recharging your batteries. Drinking tea is like draining out your insides. It cleanses and purifies the body and offers subtle hydration within minutes.

Hydration for runners is like the driving force behind their endurance and strength. 

Adequate nutrients and minerals keep them going and make their abandoned souls happy. 

Hydration in the form of water-based teas is the icing on the cake.

Also, the aroma is enchanting to the soul.  The teas provide other essential elements apart from keeping hydrated. 

That is a plus. It is more of a package with various traits locked inside.

Here you go with the list that’s, of course, going to introduce you to the world of energy and revival. 

07 Best Teas for Runners To Opt Your Favourite From

  1.  KRATOM:

Tea is, though, native to Southeast Asia, usually found in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia; it’s used worldwide. Kratom is generally consumed in the form of tea by crushing the leaves into powder form.

It is an opioid agonist, i.e., it has properties similar to opioids. Thus, kratom has analgesic and euphoric properties. Due to these outstanding properties, it is best for athletes and runners specifically. 

Adequate hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, osmoregulation plays a pivotal role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body. 

As far as runners are concerned, their water intake should be adequate to overcome the losses of profuse sweating due to their rigorous lifestyle. Runners have a very active lifestyle with excellent metabolism.

Kratom strains, especially Maeng Da contain two important active substances, mitragynine, and 7-Hydroxy mitragynine. They are opioid receptors and act directly on the brain. 

Kratom used in an inadequate amount can be very effective for the runners. It belongs to the coffee family and has particular characteristics. It relieves their pain instantly. It can facilitate them by consoling and hydrating their body.

Due to several psychological uses, it is very potent for the runners to make them feel refreshed and energized. It gives them the feel and sensation of wellbeing. Apart from this, it makes them feel pleasurable.


Lavender, native to the lands of the Mediterranean, is grown in Europe, Africa, and Middle Eastern countries. This plant is available in different heights and sizes. Four species of lavender are available. 

Lavender comprises several particular ingredients, including linalyl acetate, linalool, Lavandula acetate, and camphor. Routinely it is taken orally in the form of tea.

Lavender tea is excellent for runners. It has several uses that complement the runners’ overall health and performance.

Also, it is excellent for treating anxiety and depression.  It helps the runners boost their mood and treats their mental and physical depression.

Lavender Tea also has some fantastic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. It increases GI motility and provides a comfortable sensation. As mentioned earlier, runners have excellent metabolism; lavender further enhances the metabolism.

Some studies suggest that Lavender tea has antibacterial and antifungal properties. As runners spend the majority of their time practicing and exercising, they sweat profusely.

The use of Lavender tea can prevent the runners from acquiring infections such as athlete’s foot which are more prevalent in humid conditions.

Lavender tea can prevent insomnia and enhances the quality and quantity of sleep. Enjoying a cup of Lavender tea before going to bed is the key to a fantastic sleep. So runners, here’s the magic ingredient for you after your tiring restless day.

It is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory agent. Lavender tea helps make the skin glow which is very important for runners, who spend their entire day in the burning sun.


Traditional Japanese Matcha is available in the form of powdered green tea. It includes several biologically active ingredients, including theanine, caffeine, chlorophyll, and various catechins.

Matcha tea is tea for royals and aristocrats. It is the most expensive green tea, but it is worth its price. It is an excellent tea for runners attributing to their better performance and endurance.

It is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. It is an excellent source of hydration for runners and provides them with essential chemicals that help them pursue their dreams and ambitions.

It is available in various packaging, including tea bags and dry tea leaves.

Caffeine is the crucial ingredient of Matcha. Thus Matcha tea helps the runners boost their mood. Their brain activity is enhanced. They can work with more dedication. Matcha tea has anti-oxidant properties owing to caffeine.

Apart from this, Matcha tea is also an anti-inflammatory function that aids the performance of runners. 

In a nutshell, Matcha tea increases the cognitive functions and memory of runners. It reduces the stress of the runners. It gives them pleasant sensations and makes them healthy and fit.

4) KAVA:

Kava prepared from the root of Piper methysticum. Used extensively by pacific islanders.

Kava is an excellent remedy for runners. It has proven to be very soothing for the runners due to its anti-inflammatory effect because it contains phytochemicals.

Kavalactones have in the kava tend to reduce anxiety, which is crucial for the runners because they get exhausted due to hectic schedules. Kava tea also improves memory, aiding in runners’ sharp intelligence and emotional quotient.

Different vitamins are also present in the kava tea that helps in the physical wellbeing of the runners. They tend to increase the runner’s endurance and provide the runner with adequate strength and stamina to carry out daily hectic workout schedules.

It also prevents several neurological disorders from contributing to the overall health of the runner. 

Kava tea also has anti-cancer effects, which result in the destruction of harmful cells from the body aiding in good health.


Peppermint tea is widely used throughout the globe. Recent researches suggest that peppermint tea has some biologically active ingredients.

It contains menthol and menthone, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties which protect athletes from several infections.

It also has analgesic effects which is a plus for runners. Peppermint tea relieves the excruciating pain of horrendous workouts that runners do to keep them fit and healthy.

It also has some anti-histamine actions. Thus, provides a comfortable sensation to the runners and prevents itching.

It also enhances GI functions. Thus, it maintains excellent metabolism for the runners.


A type of green tea with amazing traits locked inside.

Gunpowder tea is an excellent remedy for athletes due to its exceptional properties.

It prevents the runner’s obesity and tends to lower the cholesterol level aiding in the fitness and endurance of the runner specifically and his health in general.

Also, It prevents constipation which reduces the uncomfortable sensation of the runner. It reduces the oxidative stress of the runners, preventing them from getting chronic diseases.

Gunpowder tea contains caffeine which helps them to boost their energy. It is an excellent alternative for coffee, which causes acidity.

It helps in the weight loss of the runner, making him meet the physical standards.

It also prevents diabetes in the runners, making them pursue their passion for the longest time possible, keeping them healthy and fit. It facilitates the runner’s overall health. Quality of life is improved by gunpowder tea.


Longjing tea is a variant of green tea, also called dragon well tea.

It has relatively high levels of caffeine that energize the runners. It increases runners’ endurance and strength.

Also, it contains several biologically active ingredients, which help in soothing the body of the runners.

It has an incredible effect on the weight of the runners. It reduces the cholesterol and lipid level of the runners facilitating the fantastic health of the runner. 

Lower lipid level provides the runners with the instant energy.

It also reduces the risk of heart diseases, thus contributing to the overall health of the runner. It increases the runners’ endurance and strength.

It also reduces stress and anxiety and boosts the mood of the runner after long hours of workouts.

It alleviates the mood of the runner and makes him feel refreshed and energized.


Thus, these teas provide the runners with all the necessary nutrients needed for active metabolism. Such an apt source of strength and endurance. 

They are the secret recipe mix that will make them last longer with exceptional core strength.

In a nutshell, these tea formulations are the secret recipe for mental and physical health. They provide the runner with the spirit and confidence they have been longing for years.

They are the complete package and thus will make runners pursue their passion and dreams more actively and enthusiastically.

These teas are suitable for every runner. They facilitate the healing process of the runners, making them happy and lively. 

Have it either you’re a teenager or have crossed your middles. Comment below, which one is your favourite tea for today?

How to Learn to Say “No” Without Feeling Guilty | Expert Advice

There are times when saying “no” is the best and most acceptable solution. In certain situations, a person is faced with his or her own rejection of an outside request and finds no reason to say “yes”. Many people have difficulty upsetting close friends or acquaintances.

The Ability to Refuse and Agree to Requests

Fear of complicating relationships and showing off one’s selfishness forces one to agree to any hard-to-please offers in order to avoid offending a loved one who wants help. Having your own goals and objectives, you have to devote time and effort to helping others. This allows for generosity and responsiveness, but there are inappropriate requests with invitations and tasks that make no sense. Then it is simply necessary to learn how to refuse in order to wean annoying people from distracting from their own affairs. Polite refusal is sometimes a lifesaver and saves you from staying at unimportant events, as well as the long-term resolution of extraneous circumstances that have nothing to do. Often, there are situations where a favor is sincerely asked for and the refusal may affect the friendship, then the person does agree, although initially had difficulty in responding positively. Overly obliging and overly nice people are expected to overuse their opportunities with a direct theft of time and resources. Sooner or later the person gets frustrated and sees no point in helping out and providing certain efforts or resources anymore.

A person who is afraid of conflict is in a constant state of tension, waiting to be asked for something. This is the wrong method of attempting to strengthen relationships and experiencing unpleasant emotions mixed with fatigue and dissatisfaction with oneself. The responsive person will have to accept that negative emotions between people are a natural process, and a constant willingness to help at the expense of one’s own health and time will lead to a deterioration in mental and physical well-being. Staying calm during an unwanted request will allow for a quick confident rejection with no unnecessary emotions.

Ways to Say No

Having your priorities clearly lined up will allow you to present an overall picture showing what is acceptable and what is not. Then there is the possibility of an easy decision-making process in which saying no or agreeing will make sense in a thoughtful and correct way.

There are times when it takes time to agree to a request and properly assess one’s own capabilities. Then, in the case of considered consent, there will be no remorse and the relationship will be strengthened. The time it takes to make a decision will create the opportunity to calm down and tune out the request. It’s essential even for activities where you must think quickly, like betting at 20Bet India or finishing a significant task at work.

Any help and assistance brings positive emotions to both those who help and those who receive. But personal boundaries that are consistent with common sense and capacity must be respected. In order to dispose of good people it is necessary to be generous and caring.

Genshin Impact Currency Farming Guide: How to get Primogems, Genesis Crystals, Mora and more

As an action role-playing game, Genshin Impact owns many types of currencies, such as Fates for Wishes, Primogems, Genesis Crystals, Mora, Sigils, Stardust and Starglitter, Stella Fortunas and Original Resin. Each currency has different ways to obtain and use!

What is the use of Genshin Impact Mora and how to get it?

As the basic currency, Mora equals to the “money” in the game world. And Genshin Impact Mora can be used to purchase items and food, and it can be also used for upgrading your characters, weapons and artefacts. When you do some activities such as complete quest, slay enemies, clear dungeons and open chests, they will reward you with some Genshin Impact Mora. Or, you can choose to buy Genshin Impact Account at that full of Mora Currency, 5-Star characters and powerful weapons!

What is the use of Genshin Impact Primogems and how to get them?

Primogems play the role in one of the main premium currencies in this game, which can be used to Fates (Acquaint and Intertwined Fates) and Battle Pass level up. It is not tough to get this kind of currency for that it can be obtained by using real word money and completing quests. Although, you cannot use money to purchase Primogems directly, you can top up Genesis Crystals in the ‘Crystal Top-Up’ section of the Shop menu, and thenyou can convert Genesis Crystals into Primogems. And Primogems can be also obtained by completing daily quests, ranking up on the Battle Pass, earning Achievements and finishing the Spiral Abyss.

What is the Genshin Impact Genesis Crystals and how to get them?

As we mentioned above, Genshin Impact Genesis Crystals have the use of converting to Primogems, the ratio is 1:1. Some in-game items can be also bought by Crystals. As the premium currency of Genshin Impact, they are only acquired by spending real money. The first time you buy genesis Crystals, you will get a double bonus. There are different Genesis Crystals bundles, including 60, 300, 980, 1980, 3280 and 6480. Of course, different bundles will cost you with different price! In a word, if you purchase the 60 crystal bundle for the first time, and you will get a total of 120 crystals! To save your cost, you can browse our website to find the best deals of Genesis Crystals, all the Genesis Crystals Top Up service prices are about 15% cheaper than others!

What is the Genshin ImpactOriginal Resin and how to get them?

In Genshin Impact, Original Resin is used to earn rewards from various sources. You will need it to get bonuses from Ley Line Outcrops, Abyssal Domains and some bosses. Depending on the mission, you will get different amounts of Resin when completing these missions, Ley Line Blossoms will reward you 20 Resin, Abyssal Domains will reward you 20 Resin, Elite Bosses will reward you with 40 Resin while Weekly Bosses will get you 60 Resin.

Fates are a type of currency that can be used to draw new weapons and character in the gacha mechanic. And if you want to get the Acquaint and Intertwined Fates, you can level up your Adventure Rank.Anemo Sigil is used to purchase Ascension materials, weapon Ascension materials, equipment, which can be found in chests located in that area.

By the way, if you want to get all of these currencies in your inventory, you can just Buy Genshin Impact Account for Sale at Each currency has its own unique uses, so it is the best time to get all of them with the lowest price ever!

Interoperability in Healthcare

Interoperability in Healthcare

Medical records were formerly kept on mainframe-connected terminals, and subsequently on Windows-based clients running on personal computers. Only billing services had access to these systems.

These systems were created by a varied collection of people using a variety of programming languages and platforms. When they were created, each of them had a distinct function in mind. In recent years, the quantity and scope of networked systems in healthcare information technology have skyrocketed. Furthermore, a plethora of health-related and consumer-oriented devices, such as Fitbits, are now accessible.

These improvements necessitate a higher level of interoperability across a wide range of devices and applications. It’s called “clinical interoperability,” and it works rather nicely.

If you are unfamiliar with the term “interoperability,” the following definition could help:

The capacity to communicate, analyze, and save data using the same standards is referred to as interoperability.

The word ‘interoperable’ refers to two systems that can communicate with one other and provide physicians with the information they require. For many years, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has worked to promote interoperability (ONC). In 2014, the ONC published a 10-year plan as part of a 10-year strategy to ensure that all computers in the country function together by 2024. The goal of this project is to promote patient well-being by streamlining clinical data utilization and workflow. There must be an immediate solution to the fragmentation of healthcare technology. The OCC agrees.

Types of the interoperability

For the purposes of defining what constitutes interoperability, the Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS) has established three levels of qualification:

Foundational interoperability

There is no guarantee that data sent from one system or device to another will be understood by the receiving system or device. To put it another way, we’re talking about “fundamental interoperability.” A patient portal might be used to provide a PDF document that contains a patient’s medical history. The PDF document would be opened by the receiver. The data would then have to be manually input into an electronic medical record system.

Structural interoperability

Data must be able to be transmitted and stored uniformly across many systems, and this data must have a structure or format. This is referred to as “structural interoperability.” At any time, no alterations or adjustments can be made to the data. For example, HL7 interfaces and patient data from connected Fitbits may be utilized in conjunction. These gadgets enable patients to communicate with patient portals. Blood pressure monitors and glucose scanners are two further instances of medical equipment that provides data to the government.

Semantic interoperability

At the greatest level of semantic interoperability, data must be used to improve the quality of patient care, safety, and clinical decision-making. Interoperability encompasses Health information exchange as well as a diverse set of community health measures. A number of clinical data points are used to predict things like how likely a patient is to be readmitted to the hospital. A clinical case manager can contact high-risk patients one by one using a risk score report.

Why is it important?

The variety of medicines available makes identifying a patient’s medical status difficult. As a result, a wide range of technologies have been developed for a variety of reasons. People should be able to accomplish more with less effort and misunderstanding because to interoperability. As quickly as possible, data must be made available to caregivers and decision-makers. Interoperability is merely a passing fad otherwise.

Interoperability in healthcare example

Connected EHRs, imaging equipment, and other technology increase patient care efficiency.

Interoperability becomes more clear when shown in practice. Put yourself in the shoes of a patient or a doctor.

Assume a patient arrives at your office from a neighboring hospital. In a matter of seconds, you will be able to access this patient’s electronic health record (EHR). By minimizing the need to explain previous treatments and medications, both of you will save time. Your medical records are transmitted to other clinic departments for testing or treatment once the session is over.

Assume that your patient’s condition will demand IV therapy. The nurse will then enter into their EHR and program an infusion pump with the appropriate quantity. It merely takes a few seconds to set up the gadget and begin therapy. With automated systems, no human involvement is necessary.

After therapy is completed, the billing process begins. During this time, your staff is most likely to enter medical codes and prepare claims. To process payments, all clinical data in a clinical context must be transferred automatically utilizing appropriate technology.

In healthcare, all of these strategies include data transfer. With interoperability, patients may simply transit across departments or hospitals.

This is a simple example of healthcare interoperability. The opportunities are limitless, and they apply to all types of companies. Standards and data formats are required for interoperable systems.

Challenges in the healthcare interoperability

Interoperability in health care is an issue that stakeholders must solve.

Healthcare providers should keep in mind that interoperability is critical for increasing the quality of data. According to a poll performed by the Center for Connected Medicine, less than 40% of US physicians said that they were ready to share their patients’ medical information with other organizations.

There is a significant disparity between what providers must do and their effectiveness. Interoperability in healthcare is a challenge that they will have to overcome as they advance. The first is guided by a preset set of rules.

To make things work, a large number of individuals are required, and standards may be beneficial. Therefore, how can you verify that your clinic meets the same standards as other healthcare facilities? What is intended to simplify things really slows them down.

Adopting these standards is a problem since they provide unique requirements for data interchange. Clinics have a difficult time getting started.

There should be no cross-system movement of patient health information. This is not a simple process.

EHR/EMR systems, as well as the Internet of Things (IoT), all require integration into healthcare systems in order to function properly. They can stymie your work if you do not handle them concurrently. Investing in data integration and healthcare analytics technologies can help avoid this.

Interoperability can help some firms. They incur expenditures in order to gain access to individuals’ medical records, such as their electronic health data (EHR). “Information blockage” is a major challenge in healthcare since it makes information transmission harder.

Additionally, there is the issue of insurance companies withholding our medical records. In an ideal world, you would research your patients’ complaints to determine whether they are credible. On the other hand, insurers are averse to disbursing them.

It is self-evident that in order for this to succeed, physicians, insurers, and governments must all take responsibilities. However, many hospitals lack the resources essential to execute critical improvements. Interoperability will ultimately save clinics a lot of money.

On the other hand, training may cause you frustration. Investing in training for all levels of employees may increase productivity and guarantee that everyone is familiar with suitable technology.


Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education in California

Schooling all around the world has taken a 180-degree turn since COVID-19 started, and so has the schooling system in California. Over 10 million school & college students have been forced to adapt to distance schooling while parents & teachers have had to make several changes to the daily schedule.

Effect on Homeschooling

The govt. in the Los Angeles unified school district has been torn between two things – closing colleges to reduce contact and save lives and keeping them open to allow the employees to work & pupils to learn in the face-to-face mode. The short-term disruption has been felt by families all around the globe.

Homeschooling is not only hindering the parent’s productivity, but it is also hindering the children’s schooling and social life. Schooling is becoming digital – more than 70 per cent of pupils in California have been undergoing distance schooling since the start of COVID-19.

Those who are studying in California community colleges have not been sent home to enjoy, relax, and have fun. The main idea is that they continue studying at home, and don’t miss out on a lot, as far as schooling is concerned. Most assessments are being taken digitally while many are being cancelled.

This doesn’t only have a short-term effect but also a long term result on society and the kind of workers & decision-makers we will have coming up with in a few years.

Effects on Skill Growth

Going to college is one of the best policy tools that we have to improve our skills. While going to college is fun and can raise social awareness and social skills, there is an economic point of view attached to it as well.

In the California school district, people are of the opinion that being in school does affect the ability of a child to be a more productive part of society. Even a short time spent away from studies can have a bad and harmful impact on their skill growth, even if some people are of the opinion that schooling didn’t suffer.

The Response of the Schooling sector to COVID

From video conferencing tools to schooling apps and digital schooling software, we are seeing a lot of positive shifts towards digital tools since the start of COVID-19. In response to the huge demand, several online learning companies are offering access to their services free of cost for the time being.

There are several digital programs in California school districts that are making it very easy for pupils to continue their schooling. Here are a few of them.

1.     Zoom

Zoom Meetings is a video conferencing software with a free as well as a paid plan. With the free plan, you can connect with 100 participants for 40-minutes without any charge. If you want to connect with more participants and for a longer duration, you can upgrade to the paid plan.

2.     MS Teams

MS Teams is a teleconferencing software from Microsoft and we have seen a lot of universities moving on to Teams for imparting schooling to their pupils, particularly in California state university this year.

It is free of charge as well – all you need to do is create a Microsoft account and you will be good to go!

3.     Papers Owl

With so much going on in our lives right now with school closures, it is hard as a student to imagine going through all the assignments, essays, and tasks that our professors assign without some expert help in this school year. Platforms such as PapersOwl are of great help in providing distance learning, as you can not only ask for expert help but also go through the various free schoolingal tools on the platform and make school easier for you.

4.     Google Meet

Similar to Zoom and MS Teams, Google Meet is a video conferencing tool that teachers all over the globe use to talk to their pupils in real-time. You can sync Google Meet with Google Classroom and get the option of uploading assignments, taking assessments, and a lot more.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education in California

The Future of Schooling

Some English learners believe that the rapid and unplanned move to digital schooling with little preparation, insufficient bandwidth, and no training, will have disastrous consequences. On the other hand, many are of the opinion that a new hybrid structure of schooling will emerge that will have significant benefits for society.

We believe that the integration of IT in California’s schooling will be accelerated in the future and digital schooling will become an integral part of schooling from now on. Even though public health safety is important, it is the state’s duty to give instruction to the higher education school staff on how to impart schooling to the California students in these harsh times. The Federal Cares Act has given some guidelines for California schools on how to create education leaders even in these harsh and uncertain times.

Final Word

Globally, more than 1.2 billion kids are out of classrooms. As a result of this, schooling has taken a dramatic turn, with the distinct rise in e-learning, where teaching is undertaken on digital platforms remotely.

With the sudden shift in the world of schooling from physical classrooms to digital ones, many of us are wondering what this means in the long run. Thanks to schooling technology, we can still continue to impart learning, wisdom and knowledge through digital California education platforms so that the kids will not be entirely clueless when they enter the real world.


Wage Theft In California: 3 Things To Know

Paying the minimum wage, refusing to compensate for overtime, or requiring off-the-clock work constitute wage theft. Additionally, it may involve more examples, such as shortening lunch breaks or failing to pay for remote labor. Employers can commit fraud in a variety of ways.

For instance, a business may neglect to pay the minimum wage to its employees. Additionally, companies may underpay employees for hours in the office when they are not working. Because of such, you may want to know some wage theft facts if you work in California to learn how to deal with them. Read on for this insight.

1. How To Spot Wage Theft

Wage theft happens when employers fail to pay employees on time and comply with the law. Paying employees less than the minimum wage, refusing to give benefits, denying employees meal and rest breaks, asking employees to work off-the-clock, and stealing employees’ tips are all examples of wage theft

Calculator and banknotes in a white envelope on a red background. Bribery concept. Salary in envelopes. Financial fraud. Corruption Arrest Law

Here are the common examples of wage theft in California.

  • No overtime compensation

Do I have a claim for unpaid overtime in California? If you constantly ask this question, it’s a sign to check for any overtime shifts that might have been left unpaid. Employees paid on an hourly basis who work more than 40 hours per week must be reimbursed 50% more.

Supervisors who constantly warn employees that the company does not pay overtime and those additional hours worked will be compensated at the same hourly rate are considered committing wage theft. Furthermore, if your employer compels you to work for more than 40 hours per week but only pays you for those hours worked, you may also consider your employer committing wage theft.

  • Refusal to pay the price agreed upon

When a company pays an employee less than the agreed-upon amount, they can be accounted for wage theft. According to labor groups in the construction sector, contractors frequently pay laborers less than a fourth of what they are entitled to or do not pay at all. So, read your contracts carefully and see if you’re getting paid right.

  • Forcing people to work outside of regular business hours

When supervisors push employees to undertake duties before or beyond their shift, one of the most common forms of wage fraud occurs. Cleaning workstations, calculating currencies, responding to emails, preparing coffee, and erecting equipment are just a few tasks they may force employees like you to do after regular hours.

  • Paying less than the minimum wage

Businesses must pay their employees at least the federal minimum wage. However, multiple service industry workers get less money due to their remuneration structure.

Federal law allows businesses to pay tipped employees as little as $2.13 per hour. It happens if they get enough tip money to meet the minimum wage. Suppose there is a delay in service and an employee does not receive enough tips to meet the minimum. In that case, the employer is liable for the difference. Supervisors regularly fall short of this, especially in the restaurant industry.

2. What To Do As A Victim Of Wage Theft

You may be surprised to learn that victims of wage theft pay significantly more than victims of all other types of stealing combined. On the other hand, government officials often rely on pay theft victims to come forward and submit accusations.

Unlike robbery, which is typically investigated by police, charges of wage theft are frequently examined by the state attorney general’s office, with employers risking civil penalties and fines rather than criminal punishments.

If you believe you have been a victim of wage theft, the essential factor to keep in mind is that you cannot be fired for reporting it. If they make such an attempt, the law is on your side. Suppose you cannot resolve your issue with your employer’s human resources department. In that case, you should consult an employment lawyer to examine your options.

3. How To Report Wage Theft

All California employees have the right to bring a wage theft lawsuit against their employers if they are not paid their appropriate salaries or benefits. All employees are protected under California’s labor laws. When you file for a wage claim, the Labor Commissioner’s Office will examine if you are entitled to compensation or settlement.

One of the first solutions to resolve the wage theft issue is establishing a settlement meeting between you and your employer. Suppose no agreement is reached during the settlement conference. In that case, an officer will analyze the facts and give a ruling on the claim according to wage laws.

The Labor Commissioner does not investigate autonomous contractor complaints. However, an employer may misrepresent an employee’s status as an independent contractor to cheat the employee of wages. Suppose you suspect this has occurred in your situation. In that case, you may submit a wage theft lawsuit to the Labor Commissioner’s Office. A hearing may decide if an employee was designated as an autonomous contractor improperly.


Some employers rob their employees of billions of dollars each year by working them off the clock, not paying the minimum wage, failing to compensate them for overtime labor, etc. Recognizing and reporting wage fraud may help you receive the employee rights and compensation you deserve.


Best Casinos in California

Gambling is a popular pastime in the United States, and there are many types of games to choose from. Certain casinos offer gambling on-table games such as blackjack, craps, and roulette; other casinos offer slot machines or keno; others specialize in poker tournaments, horse racing, or sports betting. During the pandemic everything moved online and we had emergence of sites like casino online LVBET, but the California Indian casinos still remain open. If you want to pay a visit to one of these casinos, the following list provides five of the best of them!

Pechanga Resort Casino

The Pechanga Resort and Casino is one of the biggest and best casinos in California. It has more than five thousand slot machines for people to play, as well as blackjack, roulette, craps, and keno tables. The majestic construction located in Temecula is a place for more than a one-day trip.

Also, the staff of the casino is impeccable. Many people choose Pechanga as their go-to when it comes to, because of how nice and thoughtful the staff is. Guests often come back after just one visit, because it’s a place when they feel safe.

Sycuan Casino Resort

Splendid Sycuan Casino Resort offers an incredibly big choice of fine dining in their five restaurants. It’s a very lively place, styled to be similar to Las Vegas casinos. Gambling options include blackjack, poker tables, slots machines, and keno. Their shows are very popular too, featuring live bands or solo singers.

The casino is only for adults over 21 years old, which is a great benefit for couples that seek a little bit of privacy and a break from their children.

Chumash Casino Resort

Chumash Casino Resort is located in Santa Ynez Indian Reservation and it’s traditionally run by the natives. In this casino, you can not only play on over 2 thousand slot machines and various card tables, but often you can experience great musical performances, from bands like Fleetwood Mac or the Kiss!

Whole resort, with all of the surrounding areas, is almost 1 milion square feet. The hotel rooms are spacious and luxurious, even when you pick the cheapest option. It’s a great place for birthday celebrations!

Morongo Casino Resort

The Morongo Casino Resort is a casino in Southern California, located on the way to Texas which makes it a perfect stop while on a road trip. It is one of the most popular places to gamble in the area. In addition, there are over ten restaurants and bars, a water park, and a golf course. Morongo Casino Resort is not only for gamblers! It’s also a day spa for those who want to relax or get some beauty treatments.

Viejas Casino

Viejas Casino, San Diego, offers award winning-food, broad entertainment programs. The gaming space is filled with a variety of casino games like slots, bingo, and even sports betting! You can even get married in Viejas Casino, as they have a wedding package.

It’s a great choice for people who love Southern California landscapes and mountain views, as there are rooms with a perfect view of surrounding nature. If you ever visit San Diego it’s a must stop for you!

Casino Games

Gambling in brick-and-mortar casinos is a lot of fun. There are games such as blackjack, craps, roulette, and video poker tournaments that can be enjoyed. There are also slot machines and keno if you’re looking for something different. Casino resorts typically offer hundreds of games, and there’s something for everyone.

California Casinos

Even though gambling is heavily regulated in California, there are Indian casinos that are completely legal. Those Indian casinos feature bars, restaurants, spas, and other amenities to keep you entertained when you’re not gambling. Some even have golf courses or water parks! Their standards are comparable to Las Vegas but they have a unique feel to them, as they are in more secluded areas. So the next time you want to gamble, forget about Sin City and make sure to check out one of these casinos in California!

If you don’t live in California or the US, or just don’t have time to visit one of the places listed above, you can visit the LVBet website where you’ll find a variety of casino games with great bonuses.


How to Find the Best E-wallet

E-wallets are similar to physical wallets, you can store your money there and withdraw whenever you want. But e-wallets are more than that. It’s not an overstatement to say that e-wallets are the future of payments. In some time everybody will have one and it’s best to start looking for the top e-wallet now.

How does it work?

An electronic wallet, also known as an e-wallet, is a personal digital wallet that can be used to pay for goods and services, both online and in real life. It also has a function to send money from one person’s device to another. Online wallets are websites, applications or cloud-storage facilities or all of them in one.


The first thing you have to take into consideration is safety. You have to check if the company that you are considering has safety policies and necessary certificates. You should make sure that your service provider offers a high level of security and is fully protected with an SSL certificate. If you are considering a particular company, examine their policy to ensure that your money will be safe.

Different currencies

Especially now, with the rise of remote work and working from abroad, it’s important to have a place to store your money in different currencies. If you live in the USA, you may find it useful to have a wallet with USD currency but also store some BTCs in the same account.

Money exchange

If you have a strong portfolio of currencies, it is better to use the services that the e-wallet provides. This way you will get more favourable rates and won’t need to look elsewhere. This is a great benefit and something you should look at when considering some e-wallets. The best of them, like PlixPay, are so technically advanced that they provide you with a new rate every 80 seconds.

Quick Payments

This is one of the most important e-wallet features. If you want to transfer money from a wallet to another, you should be able to do that as fast as possible. Especially when you are running a business, this is something you should base your choice on. You don’t want to wait for a payment to arrive or keep your employees waiting for their paychecks.

Also, check if the e-wallet is compatible with e-commerce payment options like credit cards or tpay. This is a great way to safely shop or sell online.

The competition is immense and there are many great e-wallets for you to try. Now you have basic criteria to which you can go back when you decide to use an e-wallet. Do your research and compare deals so you can get on this trend in the best way possible.


Dental Health How Does Whitening Really Work

We know that you want bright, white, healthy teeth. You should feel proud of your smile. Your smile is a valuable asset and a gift that you can share with others.

There is hope, no matter how embarrassed you feel about smiling because of stained teeth or how tired you feel seeing yellowish teeth every day in virtual meetings or in the mirror. There is no reason to hide your smile or be anxious about smiling.

Based on an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey:

  • 7% believe that a smile is a social asset.
  • 96% believe that a beautiful smile makes someone more attractive to people in the opposite sex.
  • 74% believe that a unattractive smile can hinder a person’s chances of success in their career.
  • Respondents were asked to answer the question “What do you want most about your smile?”. The most popular response was whiter, brighter teeth.

Whitening your smile is a quick and easy way to achieve the beautiful smile you desire. This is why this simple treatment has become so popular. There are many safe and effective ways to whiten your teeth.

How does teeth whitening work?

So your wondering how teeth whitening really works? To remove discoloration and stains, dentists use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in various concentrations. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent. Carbamide peroxide produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can penetrate the enamel spaces of tooth teeth and reach the inner layer of tooth dentin if it is left on for long enough.

Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration Levels

  • OTC (over-the-counter) whitening products typically contain 5-6% peroxide. They include gum, mouthwash strips, gum, gum, pens and paint-on gels.
  • The hydrogen peroxide in the kits for home whitening are about 10-15%.
  • Up to 40% hydrogen peroxide can be used in office bleaching.

Some treatments use LED light or lasers to accelerate the process.

A dental examination is a good idea to determine the cause of tooth discoloration. If there are any medical issues that may be causing your discoloration, your dentist will be able to correct them.

Is Teeth Whitening Effective?

Yes, there are teeth whitening products that can be used to treat specific kinds of discoloration. You will notice noticeable results if you choose a treatment that targets the discolorations or stains you have.

Extrinsic Stains

DIY tooth whitening products (OTCs) can be used to remove superficial (extrinsic) stains. Extrinsic staining is caused by red wine, coffee, cola drinks and other highly pigmented foods, such as dark fruits/berries, tobacco products and other environmental agents. These stains respond well to OTC whitening treatments like strips, toothpaste, gum, and strips.

Intrinsic Stains

Fluorosis, tetracycline abuse in childhood, aging and other health conditions can cause intrinsic stains. They are deeper than the surface. Because they aren’t strong enough to penetrate the enamel, dentin and pulp, over-the-counter remedies cannot fix intrinsic stains.

Patients can use the teeth whitening kits provided by dentists to correct both intrinsic and extrinsic stains. These treatments produce superior results than DIY methods.

How long does a teeth whitening treatment take?

OTC products such as toothpaste, gum, and mouthwash can take several months to achieve the best results. OTC whitening strips and whitening pens may show results within weeks.

The dentist can give you the stunning smile you desire faster or if you have staining below the surface of your enamel.

With an at-home prescription whitening tray you can achieve remarkable results in bleaching intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration. It takes only a few weeks. Your trays should be worn for one to two hours each day. Treatment for more severe staining may take longer.

In-office treatments take only two hours and can produce stunning results. Your teeth will be much lighter than other products after just one treatment. You will receive a prescription and trays at home to help you maintain your perfect shade.

Is Teeth Whitening safe?

Side effects of teeth whitening include temporary tooth sensitivity, gum inflammation, and even permanent tooth loss. To minimize side effects, sensitive patients may consider visiting a dentist to whiten their smiles.

These side effects are more common with OTC whitening solutions. Prescription whitening can be done with a custom-fitted tray that fits your mouth.

How long does teeth whitening last?

OTC treatments generally last about four months. The treatment will need to be repeated quite often. The results are not as good as the ones you would get from a dentist.

The results of in-office or take-home bleaching can last up to one year.

While dental bleaching can remove stains currently present, it cannot prevent future ones. You can extend your results by avoiding tobacco products such as tea, coffee, red wine, chocolate, and turmeric.

Why choose In-Office Teeth Whitening Services

If you are looking for a bright smile, professional teeth whitening can be a great option. You get almost instant results. You also get whiter teeth than with other methods. This method can be used for any cause of tooth discoloration, intrinsic or extrinsic.


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