What to Look for in a Voluntary Benefits Broker

Now a part of mainstream comprehensive benefits packages, voluntary benefits are increasingly important. After all, they deliver direct savings to your people, lessen financial risk, and give employees choice and flexibility.

If you’re thinking of taking advantage of these features, you need a voluntary benefits broker. However, not all brokers are the same. With that in mind, here’s what to look for in a voluntary benefits broker – and more.

What are Voluntary Benefits?

Also called voluntary group insurance, voluntary benefits are plans offered to employees at little to no cost to the organization.

What are Some Advantages of Voluntary Benefits?

We’ve alluded to some, but here is an itemization of some of the plusses of a voluntary benefits plan:

  • People like options and personalization. Some 60 percent of employees said they wish they had a broader selection of non-medical benefits available to buy. Among the current most popular voluntary benefits are term life, accident, critical illness, and short-term disability insurance.
  • Helps with recruitment and retention. The ability to attract and keep key talent is more important than ever. In fact, some 73 percent of employees say benefits that are tailored to their needs heighten loyalty.
  • Mitigates employee financial risk. Some 60 percent of employees live from paycheck to paycheck, and 48 percent can’t handle an out-of-pocket bill exceeding $1,000.
  • Streamlines administration. Employers that bundle voluntary benefits with existing Disability, life, and medical carriers get direct cost savings, rate guarantees, and easier-to-handle administration.
  • Most voluntary benefits can be added to an organization’s benefits plan for little to zero cost to you. By contrast, employers usually cover about 70 percent of group health insurance costs.
  • Increases in workforce productivity.

What’s a Voluntary Benefits Broker?

Such a broker will handle the marketing, enrollment, enrollment, and ongoing administration of your voluntary benefits plan.

Finding the Right Voluntary Benefits Broker

When seeking to implement a voluntary benefits plan, many employers take the easy route and enlist the help of the same broker than handles their retirement or medical plans. That’s not always the best way to go.

What many employers don’t understand is that most of those brokers don’t have the know-how or objectivity to deliver maximum service in the voluntary benefits realm. For instance, brokers that offer an expansive selection across several types of benefits may not have a working knowledge of each option.

Here are some suggestions to help you choose a superior broker:

  • Get third-party help. Small and mid-size employers should engage an objective third party that doesn’t sell insurance or gets commission from clients to look for the right broker for you.
  • Create a list of potential brokers. Employers and the search provider should put their heads together on this. The search provider can provide you with info about new benefits trends, emerging vendors, and market developments, and perhaps help with broker evaluation and selection.
  • Get guidance on negotiating terms. After you’ve found your broker, your search provider can help you with contract terms and service-level agreements.

It’s important to know what to look for in a voluntary benefits broker. After all, 90 percent of organizations already have such offerings in place as part of their overall benefits strategy, and it’s likely that you, too, will ultimately join the fray.

We suggest you choose Mercer for your voluntary benefits. Mercer’s offers a team that’s nearly 500 strong, and $1 billion in premiums managed by more than 70 carrier partners. In all, the respected and experienced firm has more than 1,500 employers of all sizes as clients.

Mercer knows what it’s doing.

How To: Fixing and Flipping Homes

You have probably heard the term “overturning houses” and wondered to try your hand at practice. Home repair and demolition can be quite lucrative and real estate can be a very powerful business. However, there are some important considerations to consider before you start bidding and inviting contractors.

Many go to the demolition of houses, you will want to make sure that you have good management in some things. This is your budget, your purchase and how much time and money it may take to repair your home before you can turn it upside down. We will talk a little bit about what it will take for home flipping to succeed and what you need to think about before you start.

What is Home Flipping?

Hitting home is simple in theory. You buy a house at a low price, renovate it into a shape that can be sold and sell it at a profit. Here’s the important part, though. You need to find homes that sell for less than you can sell later. To do this, you need to know your market and your budget. You also need to understand how much value you can add to a home. There are two common techniques for knocking at home: Micro flipping, and repair and flipping.

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Micro Flipping

“Micro flipping” is a short-term buying and selling process almost as it is. Instead of repairing a home to increase its value, simply look for homes that you think sell for less than they could – as they are – and sell them at a profit. It involves some risk. If you bet on a house thinking it’s worth more than you sell, you may be wrong. It can also bring lower profits from repairing and overturning homes, as you will operate with less margins without making significant changes to the home.

Repair and overturning

Repair and reversal requires much more foundation and also has its own risks. Repairing and overturning involves finding a home that needs repair or other work. You make the repairs and direct the house and sell it for a profit. This is a solid strategy, but there are many things to consider before making an offer for a home that needs repair. If you do not know all the possible costs, you may end up in the red if the repairs take a long time or cost more than you expected.

Know your market and budget

Before buying a property for sale, it is essential to know your purchase and budget. Are houses selling like cakes right now? This is good for sale but can be a problem for the buyer. Think about how the market works before you start bidding on real estate.

How do your finances look? If you are using a loan to buy, there are a few things your lender will consider. They will want to look at your debt-to-income ratio, your credit score, your employment history and your finances. Make sure you know where you are before you dive in to apply for loans and make offers.

The rule of 70%.

There is one important rule of thumb for home demolition – the 70% rule. Simply put, this rule states that you should not spend more than 70% of the amount for which you will be able to sell the property, even the cost of repair. For example, if you are looking for a home that could sell for $ 200,000 and you estimate that repairs will cost you $ 40,000, you will get 70% of the $ 200,000 — which would be $ 140,000, then subtract the repair cost — 40,000 $ and you will end up with $ 100,000.

Using the 70% rule, you would not want to offer anything more than $ 100,000 for the home. Here is the math for it:

  • Value after repair x, 7 – cost of repairs = offer price
  • 200,000 x 0.7 – 40,000 = 100,000

Home inspection

If you are going to use the 70% rule, you will probably want to do a home inspection before making an offer. You will need to obtain the owner’s permission before doing this, as the inspector will need access to the property. If the current owner can not ask an inspector to come in, this could be a serious red flag anyway.

An inspector will be able to tell you what repairs the home will need to be safe and up to date. With this information, you will have a much better idea of ​​what your repair costs might be. Home inspection is always a good idea, not only in the interest of security for future tenants, but also in the interest of making an informed investment decision.

Making Repairs

If you do not happen to be a licensed contractor, you are likely to work with a contractor in this process. This piece is really important. There are many pitfalls to doing home business that you need to be aware of and the good knowledge of your contractor goes a long way. It is important to make repairs as quickly and safely as possible for two reasons.

First, once you have the house, you will make payments on it. So the longer you hold on to it, the less likely you are to make a profit. Second, contracting can cost exponentially as much time as it takes and you do not want to spend all your money on the contractor’s work.

Staging The Home

Once you have made the necessary repairs and prepared the house for sale, it will be time to do so direct it for sale. An important part of the process is when you “dress” the house and make it presentable to potential buyers. You will want to play with the strengths of the home and emphasize the attractive parts of the home. It is also important to consider this step in your budget and there are some ways you can save money, including using retail stores and using items you already have.

Working with a professional broker

If you are not a licensed broker and especially if you are new to home reversal, consider working with a licensed real estate professional for your project. From bid prices to home inspections and finding the right contractor, a professional real estate expert will bring experience.

They will be able to help you find good listings, have a network of trusted colleagues from inspectors to contractors, and probably know the local market better than anyone. Many enter the process of buying and selling homes. Having someone on your team with networks, experience and know-how will help a lot in the smoother process.

The bottom line

Overturning homes can be a lucrative investment strategy. Buying real estate is always important and with the right approach, demolishing homes can be a daunting task. However, a lot goes into the process and it is important to understand the ins and outs before you start. You need to know the market, understand your finances, think about what kind of risks are involved and how long repairs can take. Next, carefully consider the professionals you bring to this type of project. To learn more about home renovations and real estate in the Fresno area, see more from our blog!

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How To: Fixing and Flipping Homes Source link How To: Fixing and Flipping Homes

Rapper Mikey Dankz

Mikey Dankz is makingaudiences crank up the volume with a new studioalbum and the signing of a former label mate.

Mikey Dankz has released“Money Mike” his first studio album. The music video for “I-5” was shot in LA, and the video has accumulated millions of views. The single is available on all major music platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music.

Traprockshop, Rock Rich, Cash Only:

Rapper Mikey Dankzhad signed a management deal in December 2019 with an organization from Atlanta, Georgia.

Dankz was a part of Rock Rich Records before starting his own label Cash Only Mafia Inc. Mikey Dankz is also the half-owner of the Traprock shop with Rockstar Marqo. Dankz was once associated to many Money Power Respect artists. Rockstar Marqo is a former member of Money Power Respect and had collaboration with Hood Rich Pablo Juan on a record with over 1 million views.

Rapper turned Music Executive

After the success of his first studio album “Money Mike” it has allowed him to gain popularity on social media. His following on Instagram has accelerated and has reached over 50K. You can also find him on YouTube on the channel titled cashonlymafia, and with over 100k subscribers. He recently signed former label mate Rockstar Marqo to his label Cash Only Mafia Inc. to an album deal.

From the Court Room to the Board Room

 Just a few short years ago Mikey Dankz was arrested and charged with multiple crimes in 2018. The charges ranged from robbery, uttering threats and assault. He was facing years behind bars. Mikey Dankz plead not guilty. After a lengthy trial and many dead ends the judge had finally proposed a plea deal. If Dankz plead “Guilty” to the charge of assault all the other charges would be dropped. Dankz accepted the plea and was placed on probation for 2 years. The trial never stopped Mikey Dankz he released the top 100 song “Diamonds” featuring Nhale son of the West Coast legend Nate Dogg. Nhale is also the nephew of Snoop Dogg. Mikey Dankz also re-focused and changed his record labels business model.

Mikey Dankz has a net worth of 1.1 million dollars. He owns Cash Only Mafia Inc. He has also invested into many condos.

Cash Only Mafia Inc.

 Cash Only Mafia Inc. Is a record label, artist management and marketing team. They have 3 signed acts including Mikey Dankz. They offer new artists an opportunity to hit the million numbers while touring cities like Los Angeles and Atlanta.


How to Choose the Best Pool Cleaner for Fiberglass Pools

Fiberglass pools are a popular choice for pool owners for their array of advantages. While it is still considered a premium building material, it is generally easier to maintain, an excellent insulator, and highly durable. So if you did ever opt for a fiberglass pool over vinyl or concrete, you made the right choice.

But here’s the deal: No matter what the material your pool is built, it is still a maintenance magnet, whether you like it or not. Pools attract all kinds of dirt and debris, and fiberglass pools are no different. With that being said, fiberglass pools are easier to clean than concrete pools because they are less porous. Fiberglass surfaces collect dirt and grime, whereas concrete is literally a dirt magnet.

With all things considered, you can either do the cleaning of the fiberglass swimming pool yourself or use some technological help. Usually, any busy and working person would choose the latter, although I’m not opposed to elbow grease. But if you’re going to choose the help, there is no better way to do it than investing in an automatic pool cleaner.

What is an Automatic Pool Cleaner?

 Simply put, an automatic pool cleaner is a device that allows you to clean your pool without actually doing it yourself. It saves you time, and outside of the initial investment, it could also save you money going forward.

There are three types of automatic pool cleaners — suction side, pressure side, and robotic. Here’s how the three differ:

  • Suction side pool cleaners. Out of the three types of automatic pool cleaners, the suction side type is the most inexpensive. This is primarily because it uses the pool’s own equipment to do its job. A suction-side cleaner utilizes the pool pump to propel itself and the pool’s suction line to dispose of debris. It may be the cheapest option, but it could also take a toll on your pool’s pump and suction system.
  • Pressure side pool cleaners. This type of cleaner does not use the pool’s filtration system, but it takes advantage of the pool’s return lines to fuel its movement and action. Some pressure-side pool cleaners require a booster pump for the same function, which adds to the operational cost. It is reasonably budget-friendly, but it will put a heavy burden on the pool pump if you decide to run pressure-side pool cleaners.
  • Robotic Pool Cleaners. Of the three pool cleaner types, many people consider robotic pool cleaners as the best money can buy. They are generally autonomous, plug-and-go devices that require minimal human intervention. Robotic pool cleaners clean small and large debris alike, and some models are compatible with scheduling and other smart functions. Most models are not cheap, but since they perform their jobs separate from the pool’s equipment, it ends up prolonging the life of the pool pump and filter. For more information on the best robotic pool cleaner, check out the website Cleanup Expert (cleanup.expert).

5 Best Pool Cleaners for Fiberglass Pools

Dolphin Premier

 If you’re truly looking for something that works regardless of the price tag, then look no further than the Premier. You simply get it out of the box, set it up, and it will clean your fiberglass pool in a couple of hours.

Dolphin Premier features and highlights:

  • Never gets stuck
  • Dual 24-volt DC motors use up to 90% less energy than other older models in the market
  • Comes with a three-year warranty
  • Includes four media types to handle debris of any sort
  • CleverClean technology and Smart Navigation

There are two things that you may not like about the Dolphin Premier. One is, it’s not ideal for above-ground fiberglass pools. Second is its price point. If you do have a relatively small pool, it makes no sense buying the Premier. Plus, it is quite heavy at over 30 pounds, so you may be better off going with the other options in this list if this unit is too overwhelming.

  • Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus

 The Nautilus CC Plus price range is definitely up there, but if you have a large fiberglass pool, it is definitely worth a look. It has superior cleaning power and advanced technology that leaves its counterparts in the dust. Plus, it does work really well on above-ground fiberglass pools.

Nautilus CC features and highlights:

  • Comes with CleverClean technology that ensures every inch of the pool is covered using the quickest route
  • Ideal for in-ground pools of any material including fiberglass, within 50 feet in length
  • Supports weekly schedule
  • Total weight of only 22 pounds (the robot weighs 19 pounds)
  • Comes with 60 feet of tangle-free cable
  • Large twin filter cartridges
  • Comes with HyperGrip Tracking System that enables the robot to stick to the pool walls
  • Zodiac MX8 Suction Side Cleaner

The very first suction side pool cleaner on the list, the MX8 is a cheap, hardworking machine that literally pursues stuck-on debris. It can aggressively climb walls and provides pool coverage better than any suction side cleaner that you can find.

Zodiac MX8 features and highlights:

 Comes with a Low-Flow Energy Efficient design plus a Cyclonic Scrubbing Action that effectively removes accumulated debris

  • Its X-Trax and X-Drive technology allows it to boast extreme maneuverability while thoroughly cleaning every inch of your pool.
  • Covers more in one go with its Wide Cleaning Path
  • Weighs only 5 pounds


  • Dolphin Escape

I want to include something designed for above-ground pools, and that’s exactly what the Dolphin Escape offers. There is just no way to describe the way the Escape does its magic on above-ground pools– it’s terrific!

Dolphin Escape features and highlights:

  • Not as pricey as the Premier and Nautilus CC
  • Comes with an oversized debris cartridge so you won’t have to change it every cleaning sessions
  • Weighs only 14 pounds, making it easier to lift in and out of an above-ground pool
  • Features Smart Navigation 2.0 and a one-year warranty
  • Highly energy-efficient; only consumes 5 cents in every hour of operation
  • Continuous tank-like tracks that prevents slipping

It’s important to note that above-ground pools have more of a need to filter fine particles. The sad thing about the Dolphin Escape is that they are separately selling the fine particle filtration basket. If the unit only includes the fine filtration basket, then it would be damn near perfect. I guess you just can’t have everything in this world!

  • F1 Polaris Vac-Sweep 360

 We do have enough technology, premium pricing, and smart features in this list, so I want to introduce something different. This unit is highly effective and yet won’t break your budget: The Polaris Vac-Sweep 360.

The Vac-Sweep is a pressure side cleaner, which means it summons from your pool’s pressure line. It does have a fine reputation among consumers, especially ones that have tried the old 280 models. (Some have been using it for 20 years!) Overall, it does a terrific job cleaning the bottom of the pool and a somewhat satisfactory job if it has to climb on walls. It’s not intended for above-ground pools, so for best results, only use it for the smaller-sized in-ground variety.

Factors That Should Determine Your Purchase

 Above-ground or in-ground. There are automatic cleaners that are designed for in-ground and others for above-ground. The Dolphin Escape, for example, works best for above-ground, while the Polaris Vac-Sweep is ideal for in-ground pools.

  • Pool Size. Most of the higher-priced units like the Nautilus CC and the Premier can work with larger pools with their 60-foot cable. That said, it doesn’t really make sense to spend a $1,000 cleaner on a small pool.
  • Debris type. Your home location should also be a factor in deciding which cleaner to choose. If you’re living in Arizona or Nevada (or anywhere in the Southwestern United States), you may want to buy something that filters sand particles. If you’re living somewhere near the Great Lakes, you’d want a cleaner that can handle leaves and twigs.
  • Generally, automatic cleaners climb concrete pools much easier. For fiberglass pools, climbing up and down the walls is trickier, which is why you have to choose something that can grip well.
  • If you want the best automatic pool cleaner, you can find it up the higher end of the pricing ladder. However, just because it’s pricey does not mean it’s a good investment. For smaller pools, go with the affordable models. Even if you have a large pool, if you have the time to do a little scrubbing yourself, then you can also go for the budget models.

 The Verdict: Best Pool Cleaners for Fiberglass Pools

 The automatic pool cleaners listed above are your best choices for fiberglass pools. Some are on the expensive side of the pricing spectrum, and some are more affordable. Yet, we can assure you that they all offer something at the table that justifies each model’s price tags. Just follow the instructions in the manufacturer’s manual, and it will truly cut your cleaning time in half. With the right automatic pool cleaner at your disposal, you’d spend more time enjoying the pool waters rather than worrying about the tough cleanup job later.

What Are the Most Rewarding Crypto Casino Games?

We all know that casino games can be very rewarding or detrimental to your wallet/purse. But what are the most rewarding crypto casino games? Here is a list of the top ones to try if you want to double your crypto. 

1. Aviator Crash Game 

The Aviator crash game is a novelty that has already won the hearts of crypto gamers. The point is to keep an airplane in the air for as long as possible. The longer it stays flying, the more tokens you accumulate. There is a certain risk involved because the plane can crash, making it so exciting!

2. Slots with 93%+ RTP

If you’re looking for a more conventional casino game with a high chance of winning, then look for slots with a 93%+ return to player (RTP). Thus, for every $100 you wager, you can expect to win back at least $93. But many high-RTP games also have in-game features that allow getting better rewards. For instance, you can expect re-spins every ten-twenty tries. Moreover, some slots stack symbols and erase combinations, allowing you to stack further. Novel mechanics make notorious one-armed bandits money-tripling machines!

Yet, you need a wisely-composed casino list to get fine suggestions on what slots to spin. Never neglect to learn more about each game you try! The provider, the RTP indicator, and other details might help you win or make you lose!

3. Blackjack with a Side Bet

Blackjack is already a pretty rewarding game, but you can make it even more so by placing a side bet. The 100% common side bet in blackjack is the insurance bet. It pays 2:1 if the dealer’s face-up card is an ace. Even though this bet has a high probability of winning, it should be placed only in exceptional cases because the house edge is pretty high – 7.5%.

4. Baccarat

Baccarat is one of those games where you can either walk away from a winner or lose everything you’ve wagered. Nevertheless, the house edge in baccarat is pretty low — around 1%. So, if you know how to control your bankroll, this game can be very rewarding!

5. Roulette

Roulette is another entertainment type that can either make you or break you. But if you know how to play your chips, this game can be very rewarding! The secret is in betting on multiple numbers. That manner boosts your chances of winning and getting a higher payout.

6. Video Poker

The most important thing in video poker is to choose the right game. That entertainment requires both luck and skills. There are many different video poker games, each with odds and payouts. That’s why it’s important to do your research and choose the game that suits you best.

7. Dice

Dice is a very popular game in the crypto world. The point is to guess the number rolled on the dice. The great thing about this entertainment is that it’s very easy to learn and play. Moreover, there are many different variations, so you can always find one that suits you best.

8. Keno

Keno is a lottery-like game that has already won the hearts of many crypto enthusiasts. The point is to guess the numbers that will be drawn. The more numbers you guess correctly, the higher your payout will be. Keno is a very easy game to play, and it doesn’t require any special skills.

Final Words

So, these are some of the most rewarding crypto casino games that you can try your luck at. Remember to always gamble responsibly! Never risk betting more than you can afford to lose. Good luck!

Is Online Crypto Gambling the Future of the Gaming Industry? 

The gaming industry has always been at the forefront of innovation, whether technology or gameplay. Great gambling brands like Joo Casino have already embraced the novelties. In recent years, we’ve seen a surge in the popularity of online gambling. More best casino reviews feature crypto casinos and games solely. So, no surprise that the gaming industry is turning to cryptocurrency to provide a new and exciting way to gamble online. What essential features make crypto gambling the future of gaming overall? 

1. Top-Notch Security

The first and most crucial thing in gambling is security. No one wants to share personal or banking information with shady gambling sites. Yet, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology helps. Crypto casinos can offer impenetrable security to their users. It works because each transaction is verified by a network of computers (nodes) spread around the globe. So, it’s impossible to tamper with the data or commit fraud.

2. Fast Withdrawals and Deposits

When you’re playing for real money, you want to be able to deposit and withdraw your winnings as fast as possible. Unfortunately, traditional online casinos often make their players wait days. All transactions are processed instantly with crypto casinos, so you cash out your winnings right away.

3. Anonymity and Privacy

Another great thing about using cryptocurrency for gambling is that it allows you to stay anonymous. You don’t have to provide personal information when creating a crypto wallet. And even if you use your real name when signing up for a casino, there’s no way to link it to your wallet. So, your identity remains hidden.

4. More Lucrative Welcome Bonuses and Promotions

Crypto casinos often offer more generous bonuses and promotions than traditional online casinos. Since they have lower operating costs, they can afford to give away more free money to attract new players. For example, many crypto casinos offer welcome bonuses in the form of match deposits. So, if you deposit $100 worth of Bitcoin, you’ll get an additional $100 worth of BTC to play with.

5. More Proficient Support Functioning

Crypto casinos often have more proficient support services than regular online casinos. Since they’re still a relatively new phenomenon, they tend to be more responsive to user feedback and complaints. So, if you encounter any issues while playing at a crypto casino, you can be sure that they’ll be resolved quickly and efficiently. 

6. Minimum Fees

Since any government does not regulate cryptocurrency, no fees or taxes are associated with using it. That means that you can save a lot of money in the long run by using crypto for gambling.

7. A Wider Selection of Games

Crypto casinos often offer a wider selection of games than traditional online casinos. That is because the same regulatory restrictions do not limit them. So, you can find a wider range of games to suit your taste and preferences.

8. More Exciting Jackpots

Another great thing about crypto casinos is that they often offer more exciting jackpots than regular online casinos. That is because the same regulatory restrictions do not limit their jackpots. So, you can stand a chance to win bigger jackpots when you play at a crypto casino.

9. A More Engaging Experience

Crypto casinos often provide a more engaging experience than traditional online casinos. Groups constantly innovate and introduce new features to keep players entertained. For example, some crypto casinos offer gamification features. Those allow you to earn points and unlock achievements as you play.

10. A More Immersive Environment

Crypto casinos often provide a more immersive environment than traditional online casinos. Providers create a realistic and exciting gaming experience by using cutting-edge technology. For example, some crypto casinos use virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR). That creates a more realistic and engaging gaming experience.

Final Words

So, there are many advantages to using cryptocurrency for gambling. Ten of them are the beginning. Technical advancement will bestow more crypto projects for us to enjoy and savor. But even now, we can see how crypto gambling is the future of the entertainment industry.

How to Choose a Slot Online for the Best Casino Experience 

Regardless of their fav casino game type, many gamblers return to slots. Those games are the brightest ones, and their assortment helps diversify fun. And, of course, every gambler hopes to play slots with the best chances of snatching a big win. So, how to be sure about your choice? 

1. Analyze the Casino First 

You may have yet to find your top casino. But you definitely can analyze every casino and slot game provider to see if they suit you. 

To do so, keep the following in mind:

  • Casino reputation (look for user reviews)
  • License (should be from MGA, Curacao, UK Gambling Commission, Spel Inspektionen, Gibraltar, etc.);
  • Withdrawal conditions (minimum sum, wagering requirements, etc.);
  • Available payment methods;
  • Supported currencies;
  • Terms of Use / Policies.

2. Familiarize Yourself with the RTP and Volatility of Slots

Once you have a casino in mind, you can explore its games. We recommend getting to know two concepts: RTP and volatility.

RTP (return to player) is the theoretical percentage of money a slot game returns to gamblers over time. In other words, it’s how much of your money you can get back after playing for a while. The higher the RTP, the better. If the game has more than 93% RTP, that gambling product is a wise choice.

Volatility (variance) is the dispersion of payouts. In other words, it shows how often you can hit winning combinations and what their size will be.

Low volatility slots have frequent, small wins. High-volatility games have fewer but bigger wins. The choice here is up to you and your gambling goals. If you want quick wins, pick low volatility slots. If you plan to win big, go for the high-volatility ones.

3. Consider the Theme and Design of Online Slots

If its design and theme don’t please you, it will quickly become boring. But it’s still important because you’ll be playing the game for a while.

Some gamblers like classic slots with fruit symbols and simple gameplay. Others go for modern video slots with hundreds of paylines, 3D graphics, and complicated bonus features. There is no right or wrong here!

4. Don’t Forget About Bonus Features

When it comes to slots, bonus features are what make them special. They provide additional winning opportunities and make the game more exciting. But they can also be confusing if you don’t know how they work.

Before choosing a slot, read about its bonus features and understand how they work. You can know what to expect and won’t be disappointed if the game doesn’t meet your expectations.

5. Pay Attention to the Minimum Bet Size

This factor is important because it affects how long your money will last. Choose slots with a low minimum bet if you’re on a budget. That way, you can play longer and increase your chances of winning.

6. Check the Maximum Payout

The maximum payout is the largest sum of money you can win playing a slot. It’s important to know because it gives you an idea of how much you can win. Pick slots with a high maximum payout if you’re chasing big wins.

7. Don’t Forget About Mobile Compatibility

Nowadays, many gamblers play slots on their mobile phones. That’s why it’s important to check if the game is compatible with your device before you start playing. So, visit the casino’s website on your mobile phone and try to open the game. If it loads and works properly, you can be sure it will work on your device.

8. Read User Reviews Before Playing

User reviews can form a tome about a particular slot game. They can help you understand what other gamblers think about it and whether it’s worth your time and money. Of course, you shouldn’t base your decision solely on user reviews. But they can still help make a final decision.

9. Try the Demo Version Before Playing for Real Money

Most casinos offer a demo of their slots. It’s a wise way to try the game before you start playing for real money. Demo versions are identical to the real thing but don’t require a deposit. You can use them to test the game and see if it meets your expectations. Moreover, you will get used to controls!

Final Words

Choosing the right slot game is essential if you want to have a good time and win big. Remember the essentials, and you’ll be sure to find the perfect game for you! May Lady Fortuna protect you on another gambling journey!

5 Features of a Good Online Gambling Website

The gambling industry thrives, and more online casinos emerge! Notwithstanding, not all of them have the resources to become as stellar as N1 Casino. It is challenging to nail all demands to obtain at least a Curacao license. So, what must a reliable and fair gambling house demonstrate?

1. Good Gambling Websites Never Hide Documents

Top casinos always post their official papers. These documents confirm that the website meets all legal requirements. Also, they show that the company is serious about its business and wants to cooperate honestly. Besides, good casinos have nothing to hide from their customers. You can find this information in the footer of a homepage or a separate section called “About us.” Some documents might have designations like Terms of Use/Conditions and [insert] Policy. So, be sure to scan the site for those materials! You will understand when you see it.

2. A Wide Choice of Payment Methods

The next feature of a good gambling website is the availability of various banking options. Experienced players know that it’s not only about the games you can play but also about how you can deposit or withdraw your money. The most common payment methods are credit cards, bank wire transfers, and e-wallets. Also, good casinos offer prepaid cards and cryptocurrencies. The more banking options are available, the better. You can check whether your favorite gambling website meets this criterion by looking for the logos of payment systems in the footer.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design

Nowadays, people use their smartphones for almost everything they do online. So, it would be best if a gambling website had a mobile-friendly design. The mobile version should have the same features as the desktop one but be adapted to the smaller screen. Another thing to think of is that some games might not be available in the mobile version. So, if you want to play a specific game, make sure it is also accessible on your smartphone or tablet.

4. Excellent Customer Support

Whenever you have a problem or a question, you should be able to reach out to customer support. The most common way to analyze that is via live chat because it is the fastest option. But, good casinos also offer email and phone support. The availability of these options shows that the company cares about its customers. Also, a good sign is when customer support is available 24/7. That way, you can be sure that someone will always be there to help you.

5. A Lot of Different Games

Of course, one of the most significant things for a good gambling website is to offer a wide range of games. Players should be able to find something to their liking. Besides, it would be best if the games came from different providers. That way, you can ensure that they are all fair and excellent quality. You can check the number of games a casino offers by looking at the game lobby.

Moreover, be attentive to game providers! The most reputable creators guarantee high RTPs and provably fair entertainment pieces. Sure, the casino might focus on a couple of providers. Yet, never neglect to research them for extra detail!

Extra Tip: Read Reviews and Comments!

One of the wisest ways to check whether a gambling website is good is to read reviews and comments. That way, you can get first-hand information about other people’s experiences. Of course, not all of them will be positive. But, if there are more negative than positive ones, that might signify that you should look for another gambling website. Also, be sure to check whether the reviews are real. Some casinos might try to manipulate this by writing fake positive reviews or paying someone to write them. So, please be attentive in your research before making a final decision!

The wisest choice is to check if there is a review by AskGamblers. Casino Guru is another good website to scan for expert opinions.

Final Words

These are the five most important features of a good gambling website. If you keep them in mind, you will be able to find a safe and reliable casino where you can have a great time. And do not forget to analyze the reviews! Now, best of luck!

6 Steps to Choose an Online Gambling Website

Making a wise choice of your online gambling website is the first key to success in gambling. The Internet is deceitful — scammers do not stop waiting for your mistakes. So, licensed and well-controlled casinos like Slothunter are rare. While that is unfortunate, that does not mean you cannot know how to find only the fairest casinos. Now, how do experienced gamblers see if the gambling den is considerable?

1. Find as Many Reviews Materials as You Can 

Casino reviews should be the first thing on your list for analysis. The idea is to go through as many reviews as possible to get positive and negative feedback. Search for online gambling websites and see what other customers say about their experiences. With that information, you will be able to make an informed decision.

Remember that some reviews can be extra emotional. For instance, an unlucky player might be raging after chasing losses with zero success. So, go for expert reviews in parallel with comments from users. Here are some casino review libraries you might want to scan for answers: 

  • AskGamblers; 
  • CasinoGuru;
  • CasinoTopListings. 

Sure, there are also Sitejabber and Trustpilot. Yet, the latter websites do not focus on gambling, so they accumulate comments from players solely. The listed websites, in turn, are the most unbiased testers of digital gambling dens. 

2. Does the Casino Offer Clearly-Explained Bonuses?

The bonus instructions are significant indicators of a casino’s fairness. So, if you see too many requirements and conditions for sign-up promos, beware. It might be challenging to fulfill the terms. And when you see artificial complications, you might encounter unfair treatment! For instance, being tricked by a wagering condition is never pleasant.

3. Find Out Which Software Developers Power the Games

When it comes to online gambling websites, games should be your top priority. That is why locating providers that stand behind the content is worth your while. The most respected names are:

  • Play’n Go;
  • NetEnt;
  • Endorphina;
  • 1X2 Gaming;
  • Amatic;
  • Elk Studios;
  • PragmaticPlay;
  • BGaming;
  • ThunderKick;
  • Yggdrasil;
  • Spinomenal;
  • NoLimitCity (sometimes shortened to NoLimit);
  • Relax Gaming and other providers.

The mentioned providers always create games with high or at least tolerable RTPs (no lower than 90%). Also, their projects usually have more sophisticated controls to give players more power over the process. And, of course, the aesthetics of their games are always top-notch.

4. Look for Certificates (Those Should Be at the Bottom)

The right online gambling website will also have certain certificates. The most reputable ones are:

  • Curacao;
  • Malta Gaming Authority (abbreviated: MGA);
  • The UK Gambling Commission;
  • The Swiss Gambling Supervisory Authority.

All the mentioned documents indicate that independent experts have checked: 

  • The casino’s Random Number Generator; 
  • Deposit process;
  • Payouts;
  • Bonuses; 
  • Support;
  • Other vital things. 

But there are also rewards from AskGamblers, and seals of trust from other reviewers. If there is a combo of, for instance, MGA and AskGamblers certificates — that casino is the choice.

5. Check If There Is a Live Game Section

The online gambling website you choose should also have a live game section. That is not necessary if you only play slots or other RNG-based games. But, if you like table games, it would be nice to have an opportunity to gamble with real croupiers online from time to time. Moreover, computer systems might malfunction. Sure, human beings make mistakes too, but their mistakes overall are not that detrimental.

6. Analyze the Policies

Policies are important because they help players understand the casino’s attitude and what they can or cannot do. The document should be available online from any page of the gambling website. If you have to contact customer support to get it, that is a huge red flag! A good online gambling website will post its policies in an easily reachable place, so any player can check them before creating an account!

Final Words

Online gambling is not that different from traditional gambling. The most crucial difference is that you cannot touch what you bet on during the session. But, when you pick the right online gambling website, that should not be a problem!

All You Need To Know About Provably Fair Gaming

Provably fair gaming is a new technology that is being used by some online gambling platforms – like Joo Casino, for instance – in order to prove that the games are fair. This technology uses cryptography to ensure that players can trust that the games are not rigged in any way. By using provably fair gaming, those gambling platforms that we on the best casino list can build trust with their players and ensure that everyone has a fair chance of winning. So, what benefits does it deliver why is it important? 

Provably Fair Gaming and How it Works

In order to understand how PFG works, it is first important to understand what cryptography is. Cryptography is a technique applied for protecting data from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. It uses mathematical algorithms to encode data so that it can only be decoded by someone who has the correct key.

PFG uses cryptography to prove that the games offered by an online casino are fair. The way it works is that the casino creates a cryptographic hash of the game data. This hash is then sent to the player along with a random number. The player can then use their own computer to generate a second cryptographic hash. By comparing the two hashes, the player can be sure that the game data has not been tampered with and that the game is fair.

PFG is a great way for online casinos to build trust with their players. It offers a high level of security and ensures that everyone has an honest chance of winning.

The Benefits of Using PFG for Online Crypto Casinos

Some of the key benefits include increased trust from players, reduced chances of cheating, and a more secure gaming experience. By using PFG, casinos can provide a level of transparency that is much needed in the online gambling industry. 

This technology is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the online gambling industry. Casinos need to adopt this new technology in order to stay ahead of the curve and provide their players with the best possible gaming experience. 

If you’re looking for a fair and transparent online gambling experience, then you should look for a casino that offers PFG. With this new technology, you can be sure that the games you’re playing are not rigged and that you have an honest chance of winning. PFG is the future of online gambling, and it’s something that all casinos should be offering.

How can Players Benefit from Using Provably Fair Gaming?

There are several benefits that players can enjoy when they use PFG. Firstly, it assures them that the games they are playing are honest and that the outcomes are not being manipulated in any way. This provides a level of trust and confidence in the gaming experience. Secondly, it allows players to verify the results of their games for themselves, which adds an extra level of transparency and accountability. Finally, it creates a more level playing field for all players, as everyone has the same opportunity to check the fairness of the game. Ultimately, this leads to a more enjoyable and fair gaming experience for everyone involved.

Wrapping Up

PFG is a great way for online crypto casinos to prove their legitimacy and build trust with players. By providing proof that the games are honest, casinos can show that they have nothing to hide and that they are committed to ensuring a fair experience for all players. Players can benefit from using PFG by knowing that the games they play are truly honest and that their chances of winning are not being manipulated by the casino. In the end, PFG is a win-win for both players and casinos, and it is something that all serious players should look for when choosing an online casino to play at.


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