The Monk in Dungeons & Dragons: A Comprehensive Guide

The Monk is one of the unique and versatile classes available in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Drawing inspiration from martial arts and mystical traditions, monks are capable of extraordinary physical and spiritual feats. They are agile fighters who harness the power of ki to perform incredible maneuvers and abilities.


Role: Striker, Defender
Primary Ability: Dexterity, Wisdom
Hit Dice: d8
Armor Proficiency: None
Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons, shortswords
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity

Class Features

1. Unarmored Defense:
Monks have a natural ability to defend themselves without the need for armor. Their Armor Class (AC) is calculated using 10 + Dexterity modifier + Wisdom modifier when not wearing armor or using a shield.

2. Martial Arts:
Monks are adept at unarmed combat. They can use Dexterity instead of Strength for unarmed strikes and monk weapons, roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of unarmed strikes or monk weapons (increases as they level up), and make an unarmed strike as a bonus action after taking the Attack action.

3. Ki:
Starting at 2nd level, monks gain access to ki points, which they can use to fuel special abilities such as Flurry of Blows (extra attacks), Patient Defense (Dodge as a bonus action), and Step of the Wind (Disengage or Dash as a bonus action).

4. Unarmored Movement:
Monks gain increased speed when not wearing armor or using a shield. This bonus increases as they level up.

5. Deflect Missiles:
Starting at 3rd level, monks can use their reaction to reduce the damage from ranged weapon attacks. They can even catch and throw missiles back at attackers if the damage is reduced to zero.

6. Slow Fall:
Monks can reduce falling damage by an amount equal to five times their monk level, starting at 4th level.

7. Extra Attack:
At 5th level, monks can attack twice, instead of once, whenever they take the Attack action on their turn.

8. Stunning Strike:
Also at 5th level, monks can spend a ki point to attempt to stun an opponent, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of the monk’s next turn.

9. Ki-Empowered Strikes:
Starting at 6th level, a monk’s unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

10. Evasion:
At 7th level, monks can dodge out of the way of certain area effects, taking no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw and only half damage on a failed one.

11. Stillness of Mind:
Also at 7th level, monks can use an action to end one effect on themselves that is causing them to be charmed or frightened.

Monastic Traditions (Subclasses)

At 3rd level, monks choose a monastic tradition that shapes their abilities and fighting style. Here are some popular options:

1. Way of the Open Hand:
Focuses on unarmed combat and physical mastery. Monks can knock enemies prone, push them, or prevent them from taking reactions.

2. Way of Shadow:
Emphasizes stealth and deception. Monks gain abilities akin to ninjas, including teleportation through shadows and improved stealth capabilities.

3. Way of the Four Elements:
Allows monks to harness the power of the elements. They can cast elemental spells by spending ki points, effectively becoming spellcasters with martial prowess.

4. Way of the Long Death:
Specializes in the power over life and death. Monks can use their ki to gain temporary hit points when a creature dies near them and can frighten enemies with their presence.

5. Way of the Kensei:
Blends weapon proficiency with martial arts. Monks can use a wider variety of weapons and enhance them with ki.

6. Way of Mercy:
Combines martial arts with healing abilities. Monks can heal allies and harm enemies using their ki.

Playing a Monk

When creating a monk, consider the following tips:

  • Dexterity and Wisdom: Prioritize these abilities for better AC, attack rolls, and ki save DCs.
  • Backgrounds: Consider backgrounds that provide skills like Acrobatics, Stealth, or Athletics to complement your monk’s abilities.
  • Role in the Party: Monks are versatile and can serve as front-line fighters, skirmishers, or support characters. Use your speed and ki abilities to adapt to different situations.


The monk class offers a dynamic and flexible playstyle with a mix of physical combat, mystical abilities, and high mobility. Whether you prefer to strike fast and hard, move unseen through the shadows, or harness the elements, there is a monastic tradition to suit your playstyle. Monks are a unique and rewarding class for players who enjoy a blend of martial arts and magic-like abilities.

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