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Carbon Counter: Linear TV repeats are greener than hot Netflix premieres

Starting today, families around the world will be sitting on their couches for a week of intense TV watching. In a hyperenvironmental home, viewing choices can be determined by calculating the carbon cost of programming.

Sustainability is one thing with its 100% acrylic Christmas jumper. Your TV preferences are different. If you need an excuse to avoid Netflix’s Meghan and Harry documentary, here it is. it’s a wonderful life Much lower carbon footprint.

BBC’s new director this month Tim Davey We envisioned a future without television broadcasting in the next decade. he should think about it. Digital terrestrial television (DTT) is still the UK’s largest viewer. About 43% of what we watch (26% in the US) is shown via his free DTT broadcasts. That percentage won’t drop until 2034, according to a study by Enders Analysis.

DTT is a greener option to the proliferation of streaming services known as over-the-top television (OTT). It is typically delivered by broadband, bypassing traditional broadcast, satellite, and cable infrastructure. OTT requires more equipment, so energy consumption is 49% higher than his DTT programming, according to a recent report from British regulator Ofcom.

Total high viewing time on DTT compared to low viewing time on paid OTT services. View devices and add energy usage. Total energy consumption then levels out. However, no greenhouse gases are emitted. The OTT show emits 33 grams of CO₂ per hour, which is half of his DTT program.

Older dramas and comedies are the greenest options. The CO2 produced by filming them decades ago is distributed over the hundreds of millions of views that followed.idea dad army England or leave it to beaver in the United States.

If you don’t like that, it might be time for the Scary Family Christmas Walk.

Carbon counter is an award-winning series of Lex notebooks that calculate the environmental benefits of various lifestyle choices. For more articles, Here.

https://www.ft.com/content/c4973ce2-29a2-4e7d-8f5a-c8335a269e33 Carbon Counter: Linear TV repeats are greener than hot Netflix premieres

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