Home sells for $1.1 million in Sacramento, California

700 Block House on 24th Street

The 3,120-square-foot home built in 1928 has changed owners. His spacious historic property on 700 blocks on 24th Street in Sacramento sold on December 27, 2022 for $1,050,000, or $337 per square foot. The property has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Located on a 3,049 square foot lot.

Additional homes recently sold nearby:

  • In May 2021, a 3,420-square-foot home sold for $1,350,000 ($395 per square foot) on I Street in Sacramento.
  • In October 2021, a 4,301-square-foot home on H Street in Sacramento sold for $1,155,000 ($269 per square foot).
  • A 3,240-square-foot home on the 700 block of 26th Street in Sacramento sold for $1,085,000 ($335 per square foot) in July 2022.

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https://www.sacbee.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article270998947.html Home sells for $1.1 million in Sacramento, California

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