Recent medical equipment innovation 2022; Future of medical device industry

Since the emergence of covid 19, the medical industry has evolved. Now you can see up-to-date devices in the medical field that you seven seen before. Every Hospital and health care requires this equipment, such as; Anesthesia Machines, Hospital Stretchers, beds, Surgical Tables, Patient Monitors, ventilators, respirators and EKG/ECG Machines etc. All the tools are essential for the medical industry.

Recent medical equipment innovation 2022; Future of medical device industry

The components used in medical equipment & tools meet strict regulations of health & safety. In these materials, you can find RoHS compliant material that is a product that has been determined for ten banned substances by an independent & regulated authority. Those tests have different confirmed levels of the substances under the RoHS threshold. The Polymer coatings used on this equipment make them durable and environment friendly. A ventilator is one of the most important medical tools that take over the body’s breathing procedure when a disease has become the season for the lungs to fail. Ventilators are used to fight off the infection & recover. In COVID-19 days, it was essential equipment that saved many lives.

After the massive Innovation of the field, now you don’t need to buy these tools again and again because the manufacturing of the tool is versatile and durable; the coating on the equipment provides them lubricant-free & light weighted solutions that enable you to use the tools for long term.

Medical Innovation after Covid 19;

 In 2022, the dynamic of the medical device companies has been shifted now, Innovation can be categorized in many ways, such as; innovations in products, manufacturing procedures, and modes of practice are all essential. Pandemic has led the world towards excessive changes; in the era of covid 19, you have seen a considerable need for ventilators and oxygen equipment, but the whole world has faced the worst situation. After the Pandemic, the medical industry realized a severe need for health care innovation. Now all the medical industries are focused on creating more tools & medical equipment that would be enough for upcoming insurgencies like Covid 19.

However, the requirement for new and more efficient methods of prevention and treatment of medical issues is constant, and the spread of COVID-19 has emphasized the demand for these tools. Multiple companies from the medical industry have created inventors devised approaches to monitor people’s health & safety.

Future of Health & Care, Medical Tools;

The future of the healthcare or medical industry is shaping up in front of our very eyes within recent innovations in healthcare such as; digital healthcare technologies, like artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D printing, robotics and nanotechnology. We have to familiarize ourselves with the innovative and advanced development to manage technology and not the other way around.

In the healthcare industry, there are a lot of alarms going off all the time and both patients and staff can experience Hospital alarm fatigue. A platform was created to manage these alarms and prioritize several systems surrounding response and actions to bring a better level of care to their patients. Alarms are managed by their importance and immediate need using innovative software and management concepts integrated fully into the system. It also helps to network teams better with intraoperative systems that help teams respond faster and with more precision


How to Foster a Culture of Appreciation in Your Team

Employees who are appreciated are productive, engaged, and motivated. Workplaces that foster a culture of appreciation support the well-being of their team. They experience higher rates of employee retention and customer satisfaction.

Creating a culture of appreciation goes beyond the annual or monthly “Employee Appreciation Day.” We spoke with several companies to learn how they appreciate their teams and what benefits they’ve experienced as a result.

Create a Recognition Program

Connor Garrett, a writer for SnackNation, claims that companies can foster a culture of appreciation by establishing incentive-based recognition programs. These programs satisfy the natural desire to have our work recognized. They support employee health and well-being and “humanize the workplace.”

“When you have a recognition system in place, you weave employee appreciation into your company culture,” says Jeff Goodwin, Sr. Director of Performance Marketing and E-Commerce at Orgain. “Too often, companies leave employee appreciation as a desirable goal but don’t treat it as a priority. If you demonstrate your appreciation at established times few and far between, your employees will feel that it is only something you must cross off your to-do list. The praise and recognition will feel hollow and disingenuous. However, if you establish a program that recognizes employees regularly and authentically, your employees will be seen and their work valued.”

There are many ways to create employee recognition programs, and there’s no one-size-fits-all method. Assess your workplace. What kinds of incentives will motivate your team? What milestones are approaching for team members? Answering these questions will help you establish a system that supports your unique team.

Kevin Callahan, Co-Founder and CEO of Flatline Van Co states, “Develop a program that recognizes each employee based on their achievements and milestones. You can demonstrate your appreciation in several ways, but these programs are effective methods for making appreciation a norm. Employees can be recognized and rewarded publicly. When done correctly, they avoid favoritism and boost company morale. Management shows its appreciation, and coworkers can celebrate one another’s accomplishments.”

Recognition can take place in and outside of the office. Whether you’re working in-person or virtually, you can use the company’s website and social media platforms to highlight employees and their stories.

Recognition is the first step in building a culture of appreciation. The next step is rewarding employees for their work.

Reward Employees

Rewards are highly motivating. When you don’t reward employees for their efforts, they can become discouraged and unwilling to engage with the company and the rest of their team. Withholding rewards creates a culture of ingratitude, and no one wants to work in this kind of space.

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when brainstorming ways to reward your employees is a bonus.

“Offering monetary compensation is a highly effective way to motivate your employees,” says Liza Kirsh, CMO of Dymapak. “You can provide increased pay in the form of a promotion that comes with a higher salary, especially if you want an employee to take on more responsibilities, or you can offer bonuses. In addition to annual or routine bonuses, you can extend on-the-spot bonuses. Spot bonuses can be irregular, given to employees when they do not expect them.”

Rewards don’t have to be monetary. The Office of Human Resources at the University of Minnesota claims, “the most powerful motivators are intrinsic rewards – personal enjoyment and satisfaction of making progress toward meaningful goals.”

Sara Adam Slywka, Co-founder and CMO of Nestig agrees that offering employees career support and opportunities to take on greater authority are valid methods for showing them your appreciation.

Sara Adam Slywka explains, “Employees are both intrinsically and externally motivated. However, while external rewards like finances can motivate us, they are not the most meaningful. Employers can offer personalized rewards that support how and why employees work. Start by listening to your employees. Learn what their career goals are and what kinds of responsibilities they want to take on within the company. Give them opportunities to participate in learning programs that cultivate the skills needed to attain these goals. Assign them tasks that challenge them, ensuring you have effective support systems in place. If possible, extend greater flexibility in how they work. All of these methods show that you want to reward your employees in a way that’s designed specifically for them.”

Seeking employee feedback on how they want to be recognized builds an authentic culture of appreciation. You reward employees, and you can thank them with your words.

Speak Words of Affirmation

Unlike most rewards, you can offer words of affirmation immediately and spontaneously.

Haim Medine, Creative Director of Mark Henry states, “Whether it’s in front of the entire team or a one-on-one conversation, make words of affirmation an integral part of workplace discourse. In doing so, you’re building a positive work environment. By affirming and uplifting others, you directly counter negative thinking patterns and cultivate confident attitudes.”

When affirmations are the norm, you empower employees in their creative expression.

“In an environment where affirmations are common, you feel safer expressing your ideas and contributing your work,” says Breanne Millette, CEO of Bisoulovely. “While constructive feedback has its place in every work environment, we want to create spaces where employees are used to hearing about their value as an individual and how their work supports the company rather than criticisms. Affirmations show employees that they’re more than a gear in the machine.”

Following the theme of love languages, of which words of affirmation are one, you can appreciate your team through acts of service.

Do Acts of Service

While it’s incredible to hear that your work is valuable, sometimes the best way we can express how much we appreciate someone’s efforts is by offering our help.

Drew Sherman, Director of Marketing and Communications at RPM states, “Acts of service have a place in all of our relationships, including those in our work environments. Whether you are an employer or a fellow team member, you can show your gratitude for their work and them as individuals. You might help a coworker complete an assignment or offer a snack. These acts don’t have to be grand, but they can be personal. Know who your team members are. Get to know their preferences and their workflow. Then, whenever possible, seek opportunities to make their workday better. When all team members, including managers and employers, help each other through acts of service, it creates a welcoming, not to mention efficient, work environment.”

 Acts of service can be between management and employees and between peers. Soumya Mohan, COO & Co-founder of Poised describes how this peer-to-peer connection is essential in creating a culture of appreciation.

“We want to be acknowledged and appreciated by our coworkers as well as our superiors,” says Soumya Mohan. “When we value each other’s work, and we help our peers in whatever way we can, we’re building a strong team dynamic. Everyone has a place and plays an important role. If we want a positive work environment, we must appreciate one another as workers and as individuals.”

Each of us wants to work in an environment with an authentic culture of appreciation. It motivates us to work well. We hope this list has offered you some valuable tips to cultivate a culture of appreciation in your workplace.


4 Things to Know Before Shipping Your Car for a Move

Shipping your car can feel like a daunting process, but it does not have to be stressful to make these plans! If you are ready for the process of finding and hiring the right shipping company, and you are prepared for the process of handing off your car to the company when they arrive, you will have a great experience. Being freed from the stress of driving your vehicle across the country can be a big benefit of picking a shipping company for your move and you will not regret getting back some time to devote to your moving process.

If you are not totally sure about the process of moving your car with a shipping company, you need to keep reading. We will discuss the things that you need to know before you ship your car for a move so that you can feel prepared and ready for the process. The more you know about the shipping process, the easier it will be to get your car moved without issue to your new home.

If you are ready to learn more about the things that you should know before shipping your car for a move, you need to read on!

Things to Know Before Shipping Your Car for a Move

1.       Plan Your Timing Carefully

There are peak seasons and low seasons for car shipping and sending your car across the country during the wrong time of the year can add to your costs. Winter driving is always riskier and there will be fewer vehicles on each trailer during these times of the year. This can lead to increased costs and you might have to expect delays due to weather and other driving challenges during this part of the year. The other thing to consider about shipping your car during the winter is that sanded roads, de-icer, and other road grime can ruin your paint during the trip.

You should always consider the season, if possible, before shipping your car. There are some open shipping carriers that will offer discounted rates during the dead of winter which might make this shipping contract option attractive, but you do need to remember that weather and road conditions can cause havoc during the transport process.

2.       Ship Classic Cars in Enclosed Trailers

Classic cars are often almost impossible to drive over long distances but you might be worried about shipping your car on an open trailer. This is where an enclosed trailer option can be the best choice for your needs. This kind of shipping will cost more, but your car will be safe and secure away from road grime and the risk of theft or damage. Shipping companies that specialize in custom or classic car hauling are usually your best bet for this kind of need.

You should inquire about the insurance that the company offers as well as the kinds of trailers that they can book your car onto for the trip. You want to be sure that all of the details of this kind of shipping job are handled correctly so that your car arrives safe and sound at your new home.

3.       Prepare Your Car Properly for Shipping

You will want to make sure that you wash your car before it is picked up so that the inspection process before loading the car can be done correctly. Any dents, dings, or damage that happen during the trip is the responsibility of the shipping company. If your car is dirty, it can be hard to see existing imperfections or get a good assessment done of the condition of your car before it is loaded onto the trailer.

The other thing that you will need to do is make sure that your gas tank is almost empty and all of your personal items are out of the car. Most shipping companies will charge extra for personal belongings and a full tank of fuel due to the risk to safety as well as the added weight on the trailer. In some cases, the shipping company will not take your car if the gas tank is too full. Preparing your vehicle for shipping makes the pickup process painless and simple.

4.       Shop Around

You will want to be sure that you do not just pick the first company that you find to contract with. The cheapest company might not be your best bet either. You will want to make sure that you ask questions about the insurance that the company carries as well as the kinds of perks and protections that are included in the cost of your shipping fee. Getting the most for your money is the goal, and the best price is not always directly related to the best service.

Make sure to shop around before you pick your shipping entity so that you can be sure you are getting the best deal for your money. You will want your car to arrive in great condition and on time but you also need to be sure that you are getting a quality contract that supports your needs from start to finish.

Preparing For The Shipping Process Can Save Time and Headaches

If you are prepared for the shipping process, you will have a much better experience from start to finish. Being ready for your car to be picked up is a big factor in the ease of the car shipping process and making sure to shop around will help you to get the best deal for your money. Shipping a car during a move can make it really easy for you to focus on the rest of the moving process and you will not have to worry about figuring out time to drive and where to stay along the way.

Shipping a car with a quality company will make it simple for you to get your car from one place to another and you might even be able to have it delivered right to your address. Make sure that you ask all the questions that you need to be answered before you sign a contract and you will have a painless and enjoyable shipping experience.


5 Ways a DNP Nursing Degree Can Transform Your Career.

The nursing profession is a career path with several opportunities for growth. It doesn’t matter how long you have been practicing the profession, whether it’s been months or years, but it is not too early or too late to ponder about the future of your career and the direction you would love it to go through.

Academic credentials are essential in molding the trajectory of your career. As the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree becomes more important for entry-level positions, higher levels of degrees are also being pursued by an increasing number of nursing professionals.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is undoubtedly a strategic decision for individuals who desire to pursue an advanced position in nursing. This clinically focused degree educates experts in health care and patient care administration, thereby transforming your career in many ways.

5 Ways a DNP Nursing Degree Can Transform Your Career

Increment of Career Opportunities

One of the significant advantages of bagging a DNP degree is that it can get you qualified for various positions that are not available to nurses who have only an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees.

If you are interested in pursuing a role in either clinical leadership, academic or administration, a doctorate degree can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill the requirements for various nursing positions.

The DNP allows registered nurses to provide expertise in clinical practice, utilize scholarly research, advanced technology, and evidence-based practice to enhance the outcomes of patients, as well as demonstrate clinical leadership.

The following are the careers usually pursued by nurses who bag a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree:

  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Chief Nursing Officer
  • Nurse Midwife
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse Director/Manager

These positions can be held in various healthcare settings such as hospitals, academic institutions, private healthcare facilities, insurance companies, etc.

In addition to having more career opportunities as a nurse with a DNP degree, the DNP can also improve your career outlook as the demand for advanced practice nurses increases.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the job outlook for advanced practice nurses, which includes roles that call for a higher degree, such as nurse practitioners (NPs), is expected to increase by 45 percent from 2020 to 2030 which is much faster than the average for all occupations.

Potential Increase in Salary

While salary is determined by your location, experience, and even organization, earning a DNP degree places you at an advantage to earn a higher salary. It is as well a financial investment in your career that is capable of paying dividends.

The 2018 AORN Salary and Compensation Survey notes the base compensation for DNP nurses was approximately $7,500 higher than the base compensation for nurses with a master’s degree. In addition, according to a survey by ADVANCE health care network, of the professionals who work as nurse practitioners, those with a DNP degree earn the highest salaries annually.

Remaining Competitive

Many years ago, a BSN degree was sufficient to set you apart as a nurse from the competition, but that is no longer the case. Professionals who want to take on advanced roles earn masters and doctoral degrees.

Though the number of students pursuing a DNP degree keeps increasing, there are still few candidates who hold a doctorate in the nursing field. The beauty of a DNP degree is that it reveals your commitment to learning and self-improvement, and it shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to further your career.

Also, through the knowledge you gain about new technologies and trends in the nursing sector when you attain a DNP degree, you will have a competitive edge over others. With a DNP degree, you can remain highly competitive in the nursing field.

Staying Up-to-date on the Latest Developments

Nursing and the healthcare field, in general, are rapidly changing. Clinical technology and best practices keep evolving as science advances. As a nurse, it is essential to stay up-to-date with new changes in order to keep on top of trends and provide the best possible care to patients at every point in time, and one way you can be sure of that is by attaining a DNP degree.

DNP-prepared nurses are leaders in understanding disease processes, best practices, clinical technologies, future trends, the latest trending health care, and medical and scientific advances.

In the degree program, you will particularly explore evidence-based practices in nursing, including the theories that relate to the evidence collection and research utilization.

While an MSN degree primarily focuses on clinical practice, the length of the DNP program gives room for additional coursework dedicated to a better comprehension of the planning and decision-making processes.

Specialization in Clinical Leadership

The curriculum of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree equips nurses with sufficient research knowledge and the resources required to specialize in clinical practice areas, carry out advanced patient care, and serve as executive leaders.

As a result of the fact that DNP graduates have advanced expertise in their preferred specialties, they understand the processes involved in presenting clinical and evidence-based research. Some of the roles available in clinical leadership include:

  • Director of Nursing
  • Director of Clinical Education
  • Chief Clinical Officer
  • Director of Patient Care Services
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Director of Clinical Operations

Get a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree


As you are now informed about how much earning a DNP Degree can transform your career, your following line of action should be how to go about bagging that degree.


The requirements needed to pursue this advanced degree vary from one university to another, but the typical conditions are an active RN license and a BSN or MSN degree. You may also need to be currently employed in a healthcare setting so as to perform any assignment as and when due.


The length of your DNP program also depends on the school you select, with some having a short time frame and being more intensive, while others taking several years to complete, especially if it’s part-time.

Why Proptech is One of the Hottest Investment Opportunities Right Now

Limited advances in real estate technologies over the years have left a sizable opportunity in the market for companies that can propel the sector into the modern world. ‘PropTech allows for smoother and more efficient use of both time and capital that are beneficial for landlords, tenants, investors and brokers alike,’ says Zain Jaffer, an active real estate investor and CEO of Zain Ventures, an investment firm with projects across the US. ‘As a result, the PropTech industry has quickly accelerated to become one of the hottest venture capital investment opportunities of 2022.’

Although digitizing this sizable industry has not been an entirely new pursuit, the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have forced companies to rapidly integrate new technology and prioritize digital solutions. With these systems now adopted by the majority of the industry, PropTech businesses will continue to shape and revolutionize how real estate operates.

According to the 2021 Real Estate Tech Venture Funding Report, there has been a 28% increase in PropTech investment globally from 2020 alone, with the industry hitting $32 Billion in 2021. The majority of these new ventures focused on residential tech, which attracted 49% of investments, while 7.6% focused on tech for commercial owners and tenants.

PropTech creates smoother and more convenient processes that benefit every aspect of the sector. Technologies such as virtual home inspections, electronic doco signs, data collection and AI-driven marketing, to name a few, are cost-effective and time-efficient alternatives that are paving the way for the industry’s bright future. ‘With the rapid advancement of these new digitized solutions,’ says Jaffer, ‘it seems certain that a rift will form between the companies that are slow to adopt the new technologies and the forward-thinking teams who have already moved quickly in their digital strategies.’

Commercial Real Estate Re-Establishes Itself with CRE Technologies

Since the pandemic, commercial real estate has seen a dramatic shift in how businesses operate. Remote work has taken center stage in the new business landscape, and many offices have continued to keep remote or hybrid options for their staff post-pandemic. This has changed traditional office spaces as firms adapt to meet the new working requirements.

Although remote work has soared in popularity around the globe, it does not mean the end of in-person office spaces altogether, with many companies continuing to value traditional working environments and catering to those workers who cannot perform their jobs from home. This ‘new normal’ work culture has caused a dramatic shift in the commercial real estate landscape as smaller or shared office environments become the new desired commodity for business. Digitization of the workplace has become the focus of industry leaders, and companies are trying to determine how to best suit the needs of their workers.

Commercial Real Estate Technology (CRE) offers a variety of services designed to assist commercial landlords in increasing tenant experience. A Deloitte survey published prior to the pandemic showed that 56% of commercial real estate executives had planned to increase their investments to benefit tenant experience, and with the rapid adoption of new digital solutions, this has become a much easier task.

New companies such as SmartRent specialize in designing custom device packages for clients’ individual needs after gathering information via on premise inspections of properties. They create an easy-to-use, one-app solution where landlords can directly facilitate lease management, work orders, move-ins and move-outs without the need for in-person visits. Other companies such as Density are beginning to measure the movement and density of workers in an office space through the use of computer vision technology, allowing employers and building owners data-built insights that enable them to strategize their return to work solutions. Start-ups like HqO allow buildings to operate through a digital app where clients can set up office buildings to operate virtually as tenants are given the ability to access the building, find nearby fitness classes and even order meals through the use of a single app.

According to the IBISWorld report, there is high demand for CRE services and ample opportunities for newcomers to enter the growing industry. ‘The numbers demonstrate that PropTech software for the commercial sector is a profitable business initiative for 2022 and an excellent investment for venture capital investors,’ says Jaffer.

 Cost-effective and Targeted Marketing in Real Estate

 Data is the currency of the future, and it provides a plethora of opportunities when it comes to business. ‘In the real estate industry, data has been a massive advantage to every avenue of the sector,’ Jaffer says, ‘allowing for more concrete insights by determining where, what, why, and how consumers are searching.’ Housing evaluations, suburb popularity, and prospective figure projections are becoming more refined, with PropTech start-ups being able to forecast the rise or fall of property prices at an accuracy of over 90%.

Companies such as AI-powered commerce real estate database Reonomy allow those in the business to make faster decisions with data collection analyzed from a library of 49 million listings that is continuously expanding. This data allows for better marketing and improved sales insights for real estate agents and consumers alike. ‘There is no doubt that the next wave of PropTech companies offering digitized solutions will allow insights that elevate transparency for every stakeholder creating more educated solutions at a fraction of the cost,’ Jaffer says. ‘With such a sizable gap in the PropTech market due to the slow adoption of new technologies in the past, there is ample opportunity for new companies to flourish in the ever-expanding market, providing a lucrative opportunity for venture capital investors to tackle the sector in new ways.’


Project Management Best Practices: What to Do & What to Avoid

Project management is a practice that requires you to understand how to work efficiently. While this can be a bit different for everyone, there are some general things that you should seek out or avoid when it comes to project management.

To make this a bit less confusing, we’ve had some of our favorite business partners fill us in on their recommendations of what to seek out and what to avoid in project management practices.

What to Avoid

Let’s start out with ‘what to avoid’. There are lots of things to consider when looking at project management practices, and some of those are things that could be detrimental to your project management efficiency.

1.   Implementing Project Management Tools too Late

Project management tools are wonderful pieces of technology that can greatly benefit your team. However, if you’ve already established a routine for managing your current projects, you may be less productive if you try to add a project management tool too late into the process.

“If you want to use project management tools, don’t wait to start introducing them to your team,” says Karim Hachem, VP of eCommerce of Maxine of Hollywood. “Make sure there is time at the beginning of a project or season to fully train everyone on how to use the technology in a way that will be beneficial and keep everyone on the same page so you don’t have to interrupt the work flow later on and try to implement new technology without a training session.”

2.   Losing Track of Priority Projects

One of the more difficult parts of project management is keeping track of the projects in the queue and finishing them in order of priority without slacking on any of them. It’s important to keep everyone updated and have easy access to the progression of each project so you know what needs to be prioritized each month, each week, and each day.

“Looking at a list of projects isn’t super helpful if you can’t see how far along those projects have progressed,” says Natália Sadowski, Director of Aesthetics of Nourishing Biologicals. “The best way to do this is to find a project management system that lets your staff update progress on a regular basis so you can easily see how those projects are coming along and assign tasks as needed for those priority projects.”

3.   Forgetting to Praise Your Team

It’s easy to let people know when they’re falling behind on projects or assignments, but its also easy to forget to praise them when they’re doing a good job. A big part of effective project management is incorporating positive reinforcement into your daily routine.

“As a leader, it’s important to make your staff feel appreciated and valued in their work,” says Alex Wang, CEO of Ember Fund. “You don’t want every interaction with them to be corrective or negative. This becomes difficult if you don’t have good project management practices and you feel overwhelmed. Don’t let yourself get to the point of feeling like you’re drowning in work as you try to keep up with everything and learn to praise your team even in the midst of major workloads.”

4.   Forgetting to Track Time

It’s a tedious task, but important all the same. If you don’t have a way to consistently log the time that’s being spent on projects then future project management will be more difficult. THis is especially true for projects that you complete on a routine basis.

“Learn to track time on projects so you can more accurately predict time requirements for future projects,” says Oliver Zak, CEO and Co-Founder of Mad Rabbit. “Every team functions differently, but tracking project completion time can give you a good idea of when to expect them to complete tasks and realistically set goals for the future.”

What to Do

Now that we’ve discussed what not to do as you approach project management practice development, let’s talk about the goals you should have. Project management is a wonderful concept to utilize if done correctly, so glean some information from the experts below in regards to how you can improve your project management best practices.

1.   Look for Opportunities to Collaborate

Some projects require specialized knowledge and specific resources to achieve goals. If you don’t feel like an expert in that subject area or simply find yourself or your team needing some help, don’t be afraid to look into collaboration.

“Collaboration can be a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of the resources you already have in your staff,” says Alex Chavarry, Managing Member of Cool Links. “However, if the project you’re working on requires knowledge that is not held by your team, you can also look for opportunities to help your staff learn to network within your industry and collaborate with others that have knowledge of that area.”

2.   Be Adaptable

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the plan that’s been created within the project management meetings or set up in a project management software, but you also have to know how to adapt to new situations, challenges, and circumstances.

“As much as we wish we could, we can’t predict the future,” says Leo Livshetz, Founder and CEO of UnHide. “You may have a project that’s 80% complete only to find out the client has changed their mind and wants to see something different. Learn from these situations and lead by example. Show your team what it means to adapt to new things professionally.”

3.   Invest in Project Management Continually

Project management isn’t something that you simply learn and move on from. It is an area where you and your team will have to continually grow and learn. Whether because there are new project management systems, new growth goals, or even a change in team dynamic.

“Project management should be a consistent part of your budget and time allowance,” says Gia Marie Jurosky, Director of Communications of RoseSkinCo. “Whether you’re investing monetarily or through time, your goal should be to continually improve your project management practices to be the best they can be. Stagnation in project management is simply not an option.”

4.   Provide Consistent Structure

Project management tools can only go so far. The rest is going to be up to you as the leader of a team to provide the structure that leads to the best project management practices. This is going to be largely dependent on your team’s skills and abilities, but finding a structure that works for your group that helps with efficiency and project management can take your team from average to incredible.

“Structure is a key component in any area of business, but it’s especially important with project management,” says Justin Soleimani, Co-Founder of Tumble. “If you don’t have a structure established, it’s going to be difficult for your staff to work together like a well-oiled machine. From assigning specific roles to establishing check-ins and meeting times, structure can really elevate your project management practices.”


There are many do’s and don’ts of project management. Remember to keep these things in mind as you move forward and look to develop project management best practices.

Learn to implement tools early on and prioritize projects efficiently. Doing this will help your team stay on task and prevent interruptions to the workflow later on. Additionally, you should remember to praise your team often and not exclusively focus on negatives. Finally, don’t forget to track time.

In terms of things you should be doing, there are plenty! Learn to collaborate and look for opportunities to grow yourself and your staff. Invest in project management continually and prioritize knowledge growth into the future. Being adaptable to new situations or changes is helpful, but having an established structure will also help your team navigate the hard stuff.

Project management is a journey and while it may seem overwhelming, you can implement these things slowly into your organization and learn what project management tips and tricks work best for your team.

What is the Easiest Gambling Game to Win?

What is the easiest gambling game to win? Some might say that there is no such thing as an easy gambling game, while others might swear by a certain game or method of playing. So, what is the consensus?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the easiest games to gamble on, and see if they really are as simple as they seem.

Slot Machines

Slot machines are a fun and exciting way to pass the time. These popular casino games feature a series of spinning reels that determine the outcome of each game. Slot machines are unique in that you don’t necessarily have to be an expert gambler or even have any experience with gambling at all in order to enjoy them.

All you need is a little bit of luck and some quick reflexes, and you can easily win big in these enticing games. Whether you want to try your hand at video slots, classic slots, or other variations, there’s sure to be a slot machine game that’s perfect for you. You’ll find a variety of these at most casinos, including online casinos such as


Blackjack is a popular card game that is easy to learn and fun to play. The goal of Blackjack is simple you just need to get as close as possible to the number 21, without going over it. There are various strategies and techniques you can use to improve your chances of winning at Blackjack, including counting cards and understanding the rules of the game.

Whether you are a veteran Blackjack player or just starting out, Blackjack is a great way to have some fun and try your hand at beating the odds. So why not give it a try today? You may find Blackjack to be surprisingly easy and surprisingly addictive. Who knows, you may even become an expert Blackjack player in time. After all, Blackjack is easy to win. If youhavethe know-how!


Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world, and for good reason. This game is not only fun and exciting, but it is also easy to master. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, poker provides endless opportunities for strategy, victory, and competition.

Whether you are bluffing your opponents or keeping your cards close to your chest, Poker allows you to be both strategic and spontaneous as you try to win against players from all backgrounds and experience levels.

Traditionally poke was played in person in groups of 4-10 players, but with the boom in online gambling it is now often played online using crypto or credits that can be bought with fiat currency.

So, if you are looking for a game that will keep you on your toes but that is still easy enough for beginners to learn quickly, look no further than poker. Whether you prefer playing online or with a group of friends at home, Poker offers something fun and unforgettable for everyone. And who knows? You may just be the next big poker superstar.


Roulette is a popular and exciting casino game that has attracted countless players over the years. This game involves spinning a wheel with different numbers on it, with the goal of guessing which number the ball will land on.

Roulette can seem intimidating to novice players at first, but it is actually quite simple once you understand the basic rules and strategies of the game. Plus, there are many strategies out there that can help you increase your odds of winning when playing Roulette.

Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, Roulette is an entertaining way to gamble and try your luck at winning big.


Craps is a popular dice game that is easy to win. The object of the game is to roll a pair of dice and get a combined total of seven or eleven. If you roll any other number, you must continue rolling the dice until you either roll a seven or an eleven.

Craps is a fast-paced game that is full of excitement. There is a lot of cheering and yelling when people are winning. Craps is a great game to play with friends. It is also a very social game. People tend to talk and laugh a lot while they are playing. Craps are a great way to have some fun and win some money.


Gambling games, Slot machines, Blackjack, Poker, Roulette, and Craps are all easy to win for those with limited experience. If you are prepared to invest a lot more time into your gambling passion, you might find sports betting to be more lucrative. With a little bit of practice and some strategicthinking, you can up your odds of winning big. So, what are you waiting for? Try your hand at gambling today! Who knows how much you might win?

The Trick to Sports Betting Success

For most people, sports betting is simply a way to have some fun and make some extra money. But for some people, it’s a serious business venture. If you’re one of the latter groups, then you know that the key to success is making smart bets. So, what’s the trick to sports betting success? Keep reading to find out.

What is Sports Betting and How does it Work?

Sports betting is the practice of placing a wager on a sporting event or match. This can involve predicting the outcome of a single game, such as who will win the Super Bowl or World Cup, or it can be more complex and involve predicting outcomes over several games, like which team will come out on top in the playoffs.

There are different ways to place bets on sports. The most popular method is to place a wager with a bookmaker like, who sets odds for each event based on their statistical analysis and experience with past results. Other options include betting online through a sportsbook site or entering into a betting pool with friends and other fans to increase your chances of winning.

One interesting thing about sports betting is that it is not always purely about trying to predict the most likely outcome. Many people enjoy the thrill of putting their money or cryptocurrency on an underdog team or player, knowing that these less likely outcomes have better pay-outs. With so many exciting sports events happening all around us year-round, there’s always something new to bet on!

How to Make Money from Sports Betting

Sports betting is not a guaranteed way to make money. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to lose track of your spending and end up in the red. That being said, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances of coming out ahead.

First and foremost, only bet what you can afford to lose. It’s important to be realistic about your sports betting goals and not try to chase after big wins.

Second, do your research before placing any bets. This means reading up on the teams or players involved, as well as keeping track of their performance over time.

Finally, don’t let emotions get in the way of your bets. It can be tempting to bet on your favorite team or player, but it’s important to stay objective and bet with your head, not your heart.

Sports Betting Tips for Beginners

Now that you know a little more about sports betting, you might be wondering how to get started. Here are a few tips for beginners:

  • Start small and gradually increase your bets as you become more comfortable with the process.
  • Focus on one or two sports at first, so that you can become more familiar with the betting odds and how they work.
  • Set a budget for your sports betting activities and stick to it.
  • Don’t chase after big wins – remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Advanced Strategies for Successful Sports Betting

Sports betting can be a fun and exciting way to make some extra money. However, it can also be a risky proposition if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are a few simple strategies that can help you increase your chances of success.

First, it’s important to understand the odds and how they work. This will allow you to make more informed decisions about which bets to place.

Second, it’s helpful to set a budget and stick to it. This will ensure that you don’t gamble more than you can afford to lose.

Finally, it’s beneficial to keep track of your wins and losses so that you can identify patterns and adjust your betting accordingly.

By following these simple tips, you can dramatically improve your chances of success in sports betting.


So, what is the trick to sports betting success? The answer is simply to research thoroughly and have patience. By doing your homework on teams, players, and matchups, you can give yourself a better chance of winning more. And remember, it’s always important to stay patient; never bet more than you can afford to lose, and be willing to walk away from a bad loss and just accept that money is gone.


Can You Gamble with Crypto?

Are you looking for a new way to make money? Are you interested in the cryptocurrency world but unsure about how to get started? You may even be wondering if it’s possible to gamble with crypto.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of crypto gambling and answer some of the most common questions people have about it. We’ll also discuss the risks associated with gambling with crypto and offer some tips on how to stay safe while gambling online.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about crypto gambling, keep reading!

What are Cryptocurrencies and How do They Work?

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control.

Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services. Some people gamble with crypto because it is a volatile asset and can fluctuate rapidly in price, providing an opportunity to make quick profits even while not playing at the casino. However, gambling with crypto can also be risky due to the volatility of the market.

The Risks and Rewards of Gambling with Cryptocurrencies

When gambling with crypto, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved. Cryptocurrencies are a highly volatile asset and their prices can fluctuate rapidly. This means that you could potentially lose all of your investment if the market crashes.

However, there is also the potential to make a lot of money if you gamble with crypto and the market goes up. It’s important to remember that cryptocurrencies are a risky investment and you should never gamble more than you can afford to lose regardless of it you are gambling on sports or traditional casino games.

Tips for Staying Safe while Gambling with Crypto

If you’re going to gamble with crypto, there are a few things you can do to stay safe.

First, only gamble with money that you can afford to lose.

Second, use reliable and secure exchanges to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Third, stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the cryptocurrency world. This will help you make informed decisions about which cryptocurrencies to gamble with.

Finally, diversify your investments by investing in different types of cryptocurrencies.

By following these tips, you can minimize the risks associated with gambling with crypto.

The Future of Crypto for Gambling

Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new phenomenon and their future is uncertain. However, the gambling industry has shown interest in using cryptocurrencies as a way to gamble online.

Cryptocurrencies offer a number of advantages for gambling, including anonymity, security, and fast transactions. However, the volatile nature of the market means that there is also a high risk of loss.

Only time will tell whether cryptocurrencies will become a mainstream method for gambling online. For now, they remain an interesting and risky way to gamble.

The best Casinos and Betting Sites for Gambling with Cryptocurrencies

Now that you know more about gambling with crypto, you may be wondering where to get started. Here are a few of the best casinos and betting sites for gambling with cryptocurrencies:

  • Stake
  • BitStarz
  • Bovada
  • Cloudbet
  • Wild Casino

These are just a few of the many casinos and betting sites that accept cryptocurrencies. When choosing a site to gamble on -after making sure they have the games you want to play– be sure to do your research to ensure that the site is reliable and secure.


While cryptocurrency is still in its early stages, it has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the digital world. Whether you’re a gambler or not, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency world so that you can make informed decisions about your investments.


How Daily Meditation Improves Your Workplace Productivity

Meditation is often thought of as a personal practice, but it’s actually a great tool for the workplace. We all know that our personal lives are important, but what is more important is how we behave at work. Work sustains us, and we should be loyal to that fact. When we meditate, we should be focused on calming our nervous system, and living for the moment we’re in. Meditation can take many forms, and all it really needs to be is something that calms you down and helps you be in the moment. The key to meditation is practice and regularity to make it a habit that your brain expects and knows will have a positive effect on your overall being. When you meditate regularly, you send the message to your brain that this activity is important. Those calming effects will become easier to achieve, and you’ll be equipped to access the top level of your productivity at work, where our focus matters the most.

Meditation Takes Many Forms

The goal of daily meditation is to refocus our energy and calm our energy levels to bring them to a baseline state. This can be achieved in many ways, and there are many activities that are meditative. “Meditation is a wonderful but commonly misunderstood practice. Many think that meditation only takes one form, but the results of meditation can be achieved through a number of refocusing activities. Having a meditative practice, even a simple one like taking daily walks, can help you refocus the mind. And the more you do it, the more you reinforce the idea that this activity helps clear your mind and free space for productivity later on,” said Amanda E. Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer of HIDE.

Many feel that meditation looks like one thing: sitting cross legged with no thoughts. This just simply isn’t true, and it takes just one step toward meditation to realize that. “A daily meditative practice can look a lot of different ways. One of the reasons people shy away from it is feeling like they don’t have the time to make room for new habits in their lives. But even five to ten minutes of daily meditation can do wonders for your focus, patience and anxiety levels. Plus, the more you do it, the more your brain will anticipate those feelings of relaxation,” said Shaun Price, Head of Customer Acquisition at MitoQ.

Ease Stress

Meditation helps ease stress, which can occur quickly throughout the day at any office job. “Daily meditation can help with a number of things in the workplace. Work can get stressful, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the day to day activities in your office. Daily meditation can help ease some of that stress and help your brain prioritize the goals for your day. We all need a way to let go of the stress we encounter in our busy lives, and meditation is one of the best ways to do so,” said Ryan Rottman, Co-Founder & CEO of OSDB Sports.

What we’re really talking about here is isolated self care that we carve out every single day. “Meditation, at the end of the day, is just another form of deeply important self care that we all need to stay focused and productive during the day. Meditation focuses our energy and trains our minds to deal with the tasks at hand rather than worrying about things we cannot control,” said Melissa Rhodes, CEO of Psychics1on1.

Remember, It’s an Ongoing Practice

Remember that this won’t fix all your problems all at once. It’s an ongoing, daily practice that we need to take part in every day to see results. “Daily meditation isn’t about eliminating anxiety all at once. It’s about a repeated practice that trains the mind to expect and look forward to meditation. This can help with your workplace productivity by giving your brain something to look forward to that actually calms you down at the end of your day, or whenever you choose to practice your meditation,” said Lauren Kleinman, Co-founder of The Quality Edit.

The more you practice meditation, the more you can empower yourself to stay in the moment and have a calm state of mind. “Meditation not only helps calm your mind and refocus energy, it also empowers you to take control of your emotions and mental state. It’s common for people nowadays to feel like their mood is controlled by external forces, but meditation helps us remember that we have control over our day to day thoughts, choices and how to condition our environment to be supporting a calmer, relaxed mindset,” Juan Pablo Cappello, Co-Founder and CEO at Nue Life.

Regular Practice Trains the Brain

The more you practice, the more you will train your brain to look forward to these exercises and the more you’ll start to gain from it. “A daily practice will help you train your mind to anticipate a meditative activity. The brain will activate its reward system after some time of practicing, and you’ll start to notice that the more you do it the better and better you’ll feel each time. It’s kind of like eating your favorite food again and again, except your brain never gets sick of it!” said Brandon Sunny, CEO of Royal Moon.

When you train your mind in this way to be in the moment and focus on only the things you can control, you’ll be more prepared for challenges that come your way in the workplace. “Meditation can help us control big emotions that we might feel throughout the day. It teaches us to be in the moment, and only deal with what we can control. This is something that can help in any work environment, as so much of what we encounter day to day is not in fact something we can control. We can only control our own reactions to things that happen to us, and meditation teaches us to practice that mindset,” said Lauren Singer of Package Free Shop.

Refocus Energy

The main purpose of meditation is simply to refocus our energy inward. This helps us center our emotions and let the things we can’t control roll off our backs. “Meditation is essentially the practice of refocusing energy. Practicing daily refocusing activities can help you clear a cluttered mind and reestablish your priorities for the day. Try to schedule your meditation to take place at the same time every day, this will help you make it a habit instead of doing it a few times and then falling off the wagon. Keep it regular, and start with small bouts of meditation!” said Rachel Roff Founder and CEO of Urban Skin Rx.

One of the physical ways that meditation refocuses energy is by centering the breath, which calms down the nervous system. “Meditation helps regulate our breathing, and lowers our anxiety. The breath is one of the best ways to calm our nervous system down. This can help focus our energy and make us more calm, which is something that can influence our performance at work, which is the most important place to perform well,” said Dan Lewis of Convoy.

Meditation as a personal practice helps us train our brain to refocus and calm our nervous system down by centering our breath and focusing on the moment we’re in. This can have all kinds of benefits in our lives if we take it on as a daily practice. In the workplace, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, distracted and fall behind on our workflow. When practicing daily meditation, you’ll have more tools to refocus yourself and prioritize your workload. Meditation helps with our overall well being along with our self organization and problem solving skills. Try adding a daily meditation into your schedule today!


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